2022 Holiday Gift Guide

Holiday Gift Guide Extravaganza!

It’s the most wonderful timeeee of the yeaarrrr! Happy holiday season, sleuths! If you’re scratching your head wondering what to get your favorite mystery-loving friends (or need to give the right person a hint) then here is the ultimate guide on everything we have in our Spring store!


For the ones who love to bring the mystery and challenges outside their computer screen, WE FINALLY HAVE PUZZLES! Right now we have four different designs for you to put together that we hope you all enjoy!

Just looking at them I’m feeling puzzled! (Get it? Because it’s a puzzle? Anyways let’s get back to the gift guide…)

Switch Cases

If you are also into playing different game consoles (particularly of the Switch variety) we have two fun Nintendo Switch cases inspired by the classic Nancy colors and designs, and another inspired by my favorite cowboy love story – the flowers on Frances’ favorites!

I still can’t decide which one is MY favorite!


If you have a friend who either works from home or is looking for a fun way to spruce up their workspace, we have got you covered top to bottom! We have desktop mats, notebooks, floor mats, and MORE! Just imagine how fun your office will look being completely decked out in all things Nancy Drew!

This image was very much inspired by how cluttered and busy my desk looks on the daily.


Don’t stop at your workspace, you can even bring Nancy Drew into the kitchen! We finally have apron designs and tons of new designs for mugs and cups!

I think my favorite part about the kitchen items is that they can’t yell at you if your vegetables aren’t ripe enough yet 🙂

Home Decor

But wait, we’re not finished! I’m pretty sure by now we have made it possible to have an entire house decked out in all things Nancy Drew (Should we make this a challenge?) with our blankets, pillows, and all sorts of fun wall art. If you or someone you know is a fan of Blackmoor Manor or Waverly Academy, then you will LOVE these pennants we’ve just added to our store!

Okay, but who is willing to recreate this living room in their own space? Do I need to volunteer as tribute???

Apparel & Accessories

Nancy has definitely been to lots of places with lots of interesting jobs to do, and now we can add fashion icon to the list! You can be decked out from head to toe in all things Nancy Drew this holiday season with all of our fun new items in our store!

Catch me wearing only Nancy Drew items all of 2023

What is your favorite item? Or what is something you would like to see in our shop this holiday season? WE WANT TO KNOW! Comment below your favorites and Happy Holidays, sleuths!

— Roo

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4 responses to “2022 Holiday Gift Guide”

  1. Madi says:

    Ah these all make me so excited! I especially love that there are puzzles now!! And the switch case thing is a great idea (do they fit okay in the dock with the case on?)
    (And something I’d like to see is zip up hoodies)

    • Roo says:

      Hi Madi!

      I’m waiting on my switch case to come in, but you should still be able to put it in the doc without having to remove the case!

      And I completely agree on zip-up hoodies! I’ll have to look into if we can add those designs 🙂

  2. Madi says:

    I was just thinking last night and I think it would also be fun if we have patches. It’d be really cool to get a Jean jacket and then put ND patches all over the back. Like we could have ‘it’s locked’, a magnifying glass, Waverly Academy black cat, Blackmore ghost, etc.

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