A Weekend Puzzle #2
Want to know one of the names of a RAN character? Solve the riddle below for a first name. -Evolutionary Revolutionary Ship · -3 · 3 · -3 · +14th on the end — Good luck 🙂
Want to know one of the names of a RAN character? Solve the riddle below for a first name. -Evolutionary Revolutionary Ship · -3 · 3 · -3 · +14th on the end — Good luck 🙂
There are quite a few fans of Star Wars around HI, here are some pictures from artist Donovan and scripter Ryan’s LEGO Star Wars desktop collections: Donovan – Can you name which movie(s) these appeared in? Hidden within this AT-AT is a little engine – it can walk and swivel its head! […]
It keeps snowing!!! Here’s another picture of the outside of HI headquarters – you can see the famous slough – full of water which only moves ever so slightly every once and while. I actually just learned that our building is surrounded by wetlands, so we kind of have a nice little Northwest nature […]
We <3 our pets at HerInteractive! Here are some of them: Game Scripter Manager Alena –Tavi the dog, Vaska the cat President Megan – Cuffy the cat Game Scripter Lead Anne – Hersey the dog (Field Spaniel) Designer Cathy – Niobe Tech Support guru Jeanne – Tika Art Lead Ayu – Fishy Fish Artist […]
Ok, not quite, but still a cool little paper set 🙂
Hey everyone, great sleuthing! “I am 1st to the rainbow and second to Snow White’s sister. What am I?” The answer is…… RED The “code” is that this is the three-letter abbreviation code being used for the upcoming ND Dossier #2! 1. The first color on the rainbow scale is Red. […]
Hey there sleuthers, here’s a fun riddle for the weekend, courtesy of Mari, one of our game designers! — To find out the code for Nancy Drew Dossier 2, solve the following riddle. “I am 1st to the rainbow and second to Snow White’s sister. What am I?” — Have fun, and have […]
At one of our lunch meetings we took a short break to have a little Show and Tell with people who had something that they wanted to share. You can zoom in on these ones to see the detail!! Game designer Robert shared a few pieces from his massive collection of Warhammer figurines – he […]
HI provides a whole bunch of free snacks & drinks for hungry devs (short for developers)… free food? Haha, the best perk of course! See anything you like?
I participate in what’s called a “walkthrough meeting” each week and from a development perspective it is extremely important during the planning process for a game. Designers use a walkthrough sheet to “map out” the scenes for the game. I would compare the walkthrough sheet as being most similar to a storyboard for a […]