Preparing LIE Merchandise (Weekend Puzzle #252)

Since work on the trailer has ended, I’m working on the strategy guide for Labyrinth of Lies. However, I’m taking a short break to work on adding some images to the merchandise store. Here’s what I’m adding next week:

  • LIE Cover Art
  • LIE Box Art (has all the colored bars and text like the box)
  • Melina’s phone avatar
  • The Hardy Boys phone avatar
  • “Persephone in Winter” play poster


I have a few posters done already, but I need to format each image to fit properly on each item available in the store. (There are different sizes for T-shirts, iPhone cases, mugs, etc.) So keep an eye out for those additions later! ๐Ÿ˜€

It’s the weekend! Therefore, I have a puzzle for ya:

  • RCNAOH = 2
  • SRUECREB = 5

Can’t forget a birthday!


-Little Jackalope

28 responses to “Preparing LIE Merchandise (Weekend Puzzle #252)”

  1. Tiffany says:

    Thanks for the birthday shoutout LJ!
    I will definitely be on the lookout for the new merchandise! Can’t wait!
    Do you have a favorite character in LIE? I love the look of the trailer and characters, great job!

  2. H23 says:

    Hi LJ i would like to know when will the HeR team stop the temp. Hold????!!!

  3. H23 says:

    I am really looking forward to play ND the silent spy on my ipad!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Angela says:

    The answer:

    Anchor, Melina Rosi, Xenia Doukas, , , persephone, ,Niobe Papadaki,Thanos Ganas, Grigor Karakinos.

  5. Angela says:

    oops, please ignore my previous comment, i was reading over my answers.

  6. Angela says:

    The answer (2):

    Anchor, Melina Rosi, Xenia Doukas, /, /, Persephone, Story/Board, Niboe Papadaki, Thanos Ganas, Grigor Karakinos.

    I wasn’t sure for a few of them.

  7. Isabelle says:

    Melina Rosi
    Thanos Ganas
    Grigor Karakinos
    Xenia Doukas

    thats all i got

  8. kevin says:

    2. Melina Rosi 3. Xenia Doukas 6. Persephone 9. Thanos Ganas

    thats all i was sure about

  9. Lera Jilina says:

    I solved the weekened puzzle! c: Where can I write the answer?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      You can comment it here, or share on the Message Boards. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Lera Jilina says:

        Charon, Melina Rosi, Xenia Doukas, The Three Judges, Cerberus, Persephone, The Hardy Boys, Niobe Papadaki, Thanos Ganas, Grigor Karakinos.
        The answer is HIDDEN DOOR.

  10. Marianne says:

    I still can’t get over how awesome the Hardy boys look! I don’t want y’all to ever change them again!

  11. Audrey_joon says:

    We’re do you get the sheet music for Kate’s theme I need it for a recital in two weeks

  12. I hope there’s a Thanos poster!!!!

  13. Ruthie says:

    Getting so excited for LIE! Also I am wondering if you guys will sometime add phone cases that would fit an Alcatel Idol x? Just wondering because I absolutely would love to have a ND phone case! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Little Jackalope says:

      We don’t have any current plans to get phone cases for this phone. ๐Ÿ™ So far we only have iPhone and Galaxy cases.

  14. MysticalGirl08* says:

    Yaaay~*! I’m so excited!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ I loved the trailer, and the posters are my favorite ^u^ ~* Also, do we have a “pre-ordered games bought” counter for the Labrynth of Lies musical promtotion, Miz LJ?? ๐Ÿ˜€ :))

  15. Kaela says:

    So far I’ve got:
    Charon = 2
    Melina Rosi = 4
    Xenia Doukas = 6
    The Three Judges = 11
    Cerberus = 5
    Persephone = 9
    The Hardy Boys = 7
    Niobe Papadaki = 3
    Thanos Ganas = 5
    Grigor Karakinos = 6

  16. felicity18 says:

    Hey Little Jackalope!

    I have a few questions about The Shattered Medallion. There are a few things that I didn’t understand in the story line. What was the culprit’s motive? What was exactly that artifact that Sonny wanted us to find?

    Thank you in advance,

  17. Elijah says:

    I know what theat means. I’ll give a hint to everyone. Look at the trailer again.

  18. Rachel says:

    Hey Little Jackalope,
    Can you post a happy birthday message for my friend Kyler? Her favorite game is Castle Malloy. She will be seventeen on September 24. Thanks!

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