Wiimote Birthday Cake
Yours for only $360 🙂 Lucky birthday kid! via. Kotaku
Yours for only $360 🙂 Lucky birthday kid! via. Kotaku
"The best laid plans of mice and men 'oft go awry." Today was one of those days, and unfortunately, we have to delay the launch of Nancy Drew Dossier: Lights, Camera, Curses. Check back tomorrow for an update on the launch status! In the meantime, here's more information with new screenshots.
I can't believe it – we are finally launching a new series that has been so many years in the making! While our main focus is on the two Nancy Drew Adventure games that we release each year at retail and on our website, we've added some new members to our team to create a […]
The Girl Scouts came on Friday and we gave them a tour of the office. You would think that touring a gaming company might be fun, but really, all we have is computers here. All the magic happens on a computer, so there isn’t very much to interact or oooh and ahhh at. Our job […]
First of all, Happy Halloween! We at Her Interactive take Halloween pretty seriously – it's a day to have fun and celebrate the fact that we are a gaming company. People dress up, we have a little party, and we gather around to play Werewolf. Of course things are still getting done, but it's a […]
You met Cody in the newsletter on Friday. Now let me tell you a little bit more about the game. The series is called "The Cody Capers" and it stars Cody, a cuddly canine, who loves to solve mysteries. He imagination often runs wild, but it's all in good fun. While the games will not […]
Wow – I'm extremely impressed with your sleuthing skills! I'd like you to meet: Lamont Warrick Gilbert Buford Renee Amande Henry Bolet Have you seen the trailer yet? Watch it now!
Today we continue exploring the trailer making process, this time with the trailer creator himself – Josh. Although we have a handefull of directors working on various trailers, Josh's work includes White Wolf of Icicle Creek, Creature of Kapu Cave, Danger on Deception Island, and Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake. He's also one of the […]
We had a few hiccups with the newsletter… The company that used to send our newsletters went out of business, so we had to switch to a new company. Unfortunately, we were only able to send the newsletter to a few people – they wanted to make sure that we weren't sending unwanted emails (SPAM). […]
In our last newsletter, we highlighted some extras for Creature of Kapu Cave. Which one is your favorite to get for a game? a) mini-game b) screensaver c) Trailer d) wallpaper Are there any other extras that you'd like to see? Let us know! Post your answers on our message board.