LIE Party and Valentine Sale!

Hey all! Tonight we begin our Twitch party playing Labyrinth of Lies! Tess will be hosting the show, but I will quite possibly be joining via video – with Baby Jackalope! We shall see! If it doesn’t work, I will definitely be in chat (my personal Twitch username is StoryRetold). Be sure to have an account and Follow HeR Interactive’s “Nancy_Drew_Games” channel on Twitch here so that you join the live chat!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure games Twitch Party Valentines Day

Also, in honor of the party and for Valentines Day, we have the game on sale for 50% off starting today. Shop here! (FYI: if you order the physical copy, you’ll be getting the BONUS Edition – because we found some extras to offer you.) 😉

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Labyrinth of Lies Valentines Day sale

-Little Jackalope


11 responses to “LIE Party and Valentine Sale!”

  1. Blackrose1984 says:

    Hi do you know if another size of poster will be offered in the new store? I started collecting the size 20×24 and would like to finish out my collection in the same size. Thank you

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Blackrose1984! Sorry, Teespring only offers that one size. If they ever expand to other poster sizes, we’ll be sure to offer them!

      • Huw Miller says:

        Actually, whilst were on the topic of posters, I noticed that the Stay Tuned for Danger poster art had a bit of weird colors/blurs around the edges of the poster. I didn’t know if that could be removed at all? It’s just not the most attractive thing. No worries if that can’t happen. Thanks!

        Also, how possible would it be to get a poster with the original cover art for Secrets Can Kill alongside the remastered version, and possibly even posters for the Dossier games?

  2. Jana D Lewis says:

    Missed the stream so I’m watching it on Twitch now. LOVE seeing Baby J! 🙂

    Happy Birthday, LJ! You share a bday with my Mom, so I won’t forget!

  3. Himeko says:

    Hey LJ!
    CW just announced their cast for the Nancy Drew pilot! Their Nancy Kennedy McMann mentioned she was a huge Nancy Drew Computer Game fan when she was a kid! AHHH!!!!

  4. Liz says:

    Looking through the tee spring store and I see it has stickers. It got me thinking, you guys should add bumper stickers to the store. I’d love to see those.

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