Hotchkiss Quotes
It is another quiet day in the office today, but sadly it is because several team members are sick. It is the season I suppose, since it is getting colder outside and fall will be turning into winter.
To make it feel more like winter, I have recently been exploring Treasure in the Royal Tower again. I was amused when Professor Hotchkiss said “my theory is rising like a magnificent souffle” and then Nancy answers “You’re cooking a souffle in there?”
This made me laugh. I’ve never tried a souffle, but I know it is a delicate treat. I have, however, tried couscous — which is a rice-like grain. I think I shall add that on my Nancy Drew To Do list: taste a souffle. Have you ever tried one?
As for the weekend puzzle, use the keyword to decipher the text and get [Semper ubi sub ubi] which is quoted in Secret of the Scarlet Hand.
-Little Jackalope
waiiit, on the boards we were trying to figure out the weekend puzzle, and we all tried keyword ciphers with that keyword but we just got a gibberish answer — was it a keyword cipher? can you explain how to get that answer? it’s gonna bug me, haha