The Deadly Device: Beta Results

Random Jackalope thought for the day: If we can get enough money raised on our Kickstarter campaign, we would start by porting Tomb of the Lost Queen, and then someday The Deadly Device as well…When that day comes, how cool would it be to say “I have The Deadly Device on my device!” or perhaps “My phone is running The Deadly Device right now!” or “My device is The Deadly Device!” Ok, wow. That sounds so nerdy… XD

Anyways, today we had a Beta review meeting about the results and feedback from testing our latest game, The Deadly Device. Here is a Power Point slide provided by our designer. However, some of the statistics are in-office knowledge only, so I had to hide the actual content. I will have you know that the red and purple are good things. 😉

I’m still playing through DED, but so far, I find this one quite fun, and a bit thrilling. I was just listening to one of the characters in my headphones when suddenly I heard that character behind me in the kitchen. At first it was odd: the character has stepped into our office!!! But I really wasn’t surprised since I already knew that one of our artists was a character in our game. Still, it’s really cool!

Twitter Quote contest today! This quote is from a newer game, so I’m hoping some of you will recognize this character. 😉
~Little Jackalope~

4 responses to “The Deadly Device: Beta Results”

  1. Ooo! Awesome thought!!! It’s not nerdy, it’s awesome! 🙂
    Eek!! 😀 I can’t wait for DED! It’s sounding like you’re having a great time playing it! Getting more excited each day, and stalking ya’lls websites hoping to be one of the first to see the box art:)

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cool slides. I bet the blue is the bugs still in the game right? I like your nerd talk. I’d think that way too(the whole’my device is the Deadly Device…) very cool. Which artist is in the game?

    From me,

  3. I can imagine how cool and exciting it would be to hear the voice of an in-game character in the same room with you!

  4. sggoren says:

    Ooo. The pie charts are a mystery unto themselves! Hmmmm!

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