Puzzle Contest + ND Adventure

Hey all! Hope you had a great weekend! Let’s get right to business:

There were a few typos in the puzzle, but had been fixed. We still will accept all entries since the end answer is still the same.

The puzzle is an [ottendorf or “book” cipher]. The word “pledge” linked directly to our Kickstarter page and was nudging you to look through all of the pledge levels. Each number set I provided means the following:

First number: [pledge level].
Second number: [Line number].
Third number: [word in that line].
Fourth number: [letter in that word].

After gathering all of the correct letters, you should end up with [Mystery in History] as your final answer. To be fair to every one, I had Phoenix randomly select a number from all of the correct contest entries. Our winner was randomly chosen to be *insert drum roll here*.

[Kelly L.]!
Phoenix and I had a Nancy Drew adventure over the weekend, and it will take a few posts to cover it all. Today I start with this: We went up Puget Sound here in Washington up to Port Townsend. The trip felt a little like Danger on Deception Island, but it was a nice summer day instead of the grey overcast skies we usually have, which are reflected in the game. After a ferry ride (it was not exactly a whale-watching tour, but fun none-the-less) we walked a beach, heading towards the lighthouse at the end. No, we didn’t explore the lighthouse because someone might’ve been staying in it, but we did take pictures! (Ok, Phoenix took these pictures. Thanks Phoenix!)

And look! When we walked along the beach, we passed by some cairns!
I’ll be talking about the castle (ahh!!) later. (~.^)
~Little Jackalope~

6 responses to “Puzzle Contest + ND Adventure”

  1. Woah, such a pretty place! 😀

  2. Anonymous says:

    I had a nancy drew weekend too! Someone robbed us ( nothing too big )! And I played mini golf! Whenever I hit a little too hard, I said ” I hit it too hard.” just like Nancy!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Awesome. I can’t believe the puzzle stumped me so bad. I love ottendorf ciphers. i guess it’s cause you called it a book cipher and it threw me off. Love the lighthouse. I wish I could come hang with you guys for a day.

    From me,

  4. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful pictures! Phoenix, you’re quite the photographer! 😀

  5. Anonymous says:

    One time, I was looking at pictures from one of my aunts vacations and there was some pictures she had taken of some cairns. I was like, “OMG, those are cairns!” and My mom said, “What?!” And I said, “Those rock that are stacked are called Cairns!!!” so then my Aunt had to google it and I was right! Ahhh, the things you learn from Nancy Drew Games;)
    Your Biggest Fan,

  6. @Anonymous — Oh no! They didn’t leave fingerprints, did they? Grr! And that is funny about the golf!

    @Sydney — I myself grew up with Nancy Drew games, and have learned a lot of random facts because of them. 🙂

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