Indy’s New Year’s Resolutions
Do you ever feel like that meme of the little girl going to sleep on the sand?
That’s how the past few weeks have felt and we are BARELY into the new year! It somehow feels like It should be April by now and at the same time, I can’t believe we only have 5 days left of January. Earlier this month I had surgery (I’m okay) and I feel like I’ve been in a fog ever since. I wish my mom had recorded me coming out of the anesthesia because apparently I just yelled about Nancy Drew for 30 minutes.
I remember right before the operation started, the anesthesiologist asked me what I do for work and I explained my full-time job but then gushed over how lucky I am that I get to have a fun part-time job at THE company that makes Nancy Drew computer games. Instead of having me count backward from 10, he asked me to explain a plot to my favorite game. I started talking about Secret of the Old Clock and how it’s based on three different original yellow back books and the next thing I know I’m laying in the recovery room looking at my mom and a new nurse as I try to explain the switching rooms in Blackmoor Manor. I then realized I must have never finished talking about Secret of the Old Clock so I switched gears and the nurse giggled and said I already told them that game plot three times 😂.
The funniest part is my mom said she rounded the corner of the hospital to find me in recovery and could hear me going on and on about “…and Ned kinda sucks and everyone knows Frank is so much better and cuter.” LOL, I was unaware my subconscious liked Frank more than Ned!
A big New Year’s resolution for me this year is to focus on my health. No, I’m not going to be doing any fad diets or going to extreme measures. I just want to feel healthy in the body I have. Taking care of my health and having surgery was a good way to kick off my New Year’s resolution! All of this combined got me thinking about what some of our favorite characters‘ New Year’s resolutions would be. Here is what I am thinking:
- Nancy – This is easy, solve more mysteries (but bring money this time) and do something special for this year’s Ned & Nancy anniversary
- Bess – Get over Sonny because “I am a catch and if he is too stupid to realize this then his loss” (this sentence was coached by George over many sleepover gossip sessions). She also wants a puppy. This is unrelated to the photoshopped image of Sonny holding a puppy.
- George – She wants to patent the super-secret smart person project you know she probably worked on at Technology of Tomorrow Today.
- Ned – He finally pays a professional to fix his car (everyone hides this from Joe and they all pretend his tinkering has finally fixed something)
- Frank – Frank wants to put ATAC to the side and finally go into business for themselves, anndddd if an opportunity presents itself, he may have a “serious” conversation with Nancy but he respects her and Ned too much to do anything for now.
- Joe – Eat more cheeseburgers. That’s it. Bess let him borrow her Dyson Airwrap to make his bangs swoopy like in Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon and Deidre said it looked nice. He may get a Dyson Airwrap.✌️
- Deirdre Shannon – After Midnight in Salem, she wants to spend more time with her cousins she hasn’t seen in ages. She and Mei take a fun trip around the North East together. She keeps in contact with everyone frequently snap chatting. She and Joe are on a 36-day streak but she won’t admit it.
- Sonny Joon – He has no resolution, he is just living life.
- Professor Hotchkiss – She wants to create a Secret Academia/Eccentric Socialite club and invites Eustacia Andropov, P. G. Krolmeister, Prudence Rutherford, Franklin Rose, Jon Boyle, and Poppy Dada. Margherita Fauberg was NOT invited. Poppy Dada didn’t respond.
- Henry Bolet – After hearing about the puzzle mansion Nancy investigated in Curse of Blackmoor Manor, he decides that is a perfect way to learn more about his family and honor his uncle, Bruno. Nancy gives him quite a few ideas of some puzzles he can make.
- Tino Balducci – He wants to be on the cover of Sassy Detective. After reaching out, they let him know he is neither sassy nor a proper detective and decline the offer. It’s okay though, he pivots to become a motivational speaker. He says you can tell if someone is a winner or not by the amount of paprika they eat.
- Tex – He and Marry Yazzi have gotten really into the whole painting rocks and leaving them for others to find. Welllll Mary has. But he likes Mary so he likes her rocks. Their resolution is to leave a painted rock in every National Park. Undetermined if they are going to pitch a tent or glamp in their airstream.
- Jing Jing Ling – She wants to go on the Great British Bake-Off or some other cooking channel show and is working with her agent to make it happen.
- Nicholas Falcone – He wants to get into protest TikTok and possibly write a book. Krolmeister Permanent Markers sponsor him for all his sign-making needs.
- Guadalupe Comillo – She wants to raise 100,000 for a new wildlife sanctuary in North America. She is invited to collab with Nicholas Falcone’s TikTok and raises quite a bit of donation.
- Elisabet Grimursdottir – She wants to spend the year sailing with Magnus and Tumi. She does just that. 🥰
So what do you think? Do these resolutions make sense for everyone? Am I way off base? Did I leave out your favorite character? Comment a character below and I’ll respond with what I think they will be up to this year!
HAPPY 2022!!
:D, haha that’s pretty accurate
Oh Indy, I don’t know a bigger nerd in Nancy Drew than you 😀
What do you think “Bürgermeister” Karl will do this year?
See I don’t even consider myself that big of a “Nancy Drew nerd” because I have only read a few of the books! I have played all the games countless times 🙂 Maybe it should be a second resolution to read more of them this year!
“Bürgermeister” Karl – His resolution is to put out a sequel to Raid. During 2020 Raid took off on the board game TikTok and he developed a small but vocal cult following. The people are eager for more. Unfortunately, Karl has not been able to come up with a second game. He has board game makers block.
Did you ever happen to find the Hardy Boys Treasure of the Tracks DS wrap?
-Thanks again
Hi Madi! I spent a while looking and while we don’t have a DVD wrap, we do have a CD case wrap! Here is the link! -Brighella
Awesome, thank you!
I love these resolutions! Spot on!
I also would like to read more of the Nancy Drew books this year. Are you focusing on any particular collection?
Best wishes for your health journey, Indy!
What is Wade Thornton’s resolution?
How about a resolution for Holt Scotto?
Any news on the new game? It is another year.
We are planning on game #34. I recommend signing up for our newsletter to get the best updates! 🙂
– Roo
Do you have a resolution for Holt Scotto?
Fun and good posting! 😀
Long ago, some weirdo named Solver suggested that unrelated, food-loving chums Bess Marvin (Nancy Drew chum) and Chet Morton (Hardy Boys chum)should team up for ‘Morton and Marvin.’ This show is for foodies, fusion fans for food and character galaxies, and anyone else who thinks this pairing is, somehow, both logical and likely to lead from farm to table to solving a cold missing persons case. Specifically: Where is Iola Morton, Chet’s sister and Joe Hardy’s girlfriend? Would Iola finally bring Joe’s recent goofiness under control so that he can function as a Hardy Boy again? Inquiring minds and rabid sleuths want to know.