The Hardy Boys in MID!

Hey all, have you seen the latest? The Hardy Boys are joining Nancy in Salem. What do you think of their concept art? Check out their full bio on the Midnight in Salem page here.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Character Bio Midnight in Salem The Hardy Boys

Also, we have a new podcast featuring the multi-voiced Mark Waldstein!

Head’s up! On Teespring this weekend there is a merchandise sale! Use promo code TWITCH at your shopping cart to get 10% off any Nancy Drew merchandise!

Nancy Drfew Mystery Adventure Games merchandise Teespring Sale

Lastly, on Saturday only, get 50% off Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake in honor of Camera Day. Shop here!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Camera Day Sale

-Little Jackalope

14 responses to “The Hardy Boys in MID!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    In the email announcement I just received about the Hardy Boys being in MID, it says that they “aide in the hunt.” This should be “aid,” not “aide.” I hope that MID is gone over very carefully by a professional proofreader as I consider this to be a very important part of the overall polish for a game. And yes, I am still looking forward to the game very much.

  2. Harper Thornton says:

    The concept art for the Hardy Boys is exciting! Are they only phone characters, or will they appear in the game? Can’t wait! 🙂

  3. Carly F Lakes says:

    OMG We haven’t had a case with the Hardy Boys in FOREVER! I AM SO READY FOR THIS!

  4. Steph says:

    I’m so excited for MID!

  5. felicity18 says:

    Hey LJ, I love the concept art for Frank and Joe. Are we going to see them in person in this game? It didn’t really say in the character bio for them. So excited for this game!

    Thank you in advance,

  6. budford says:

    I thought the Hardy Boys were just going to be phone a friends so cool that they are in the game. I can’t wait! this game is going to be great! =)

  7. I love what you guys did with the Hardy Boys, they look so handsome! Would this mean we will be playing as them for parts of MID, like in Kapu Cave?

  8. Lia says:

    Hi LJ! I was hoping to use the HB picture as a wallpaper but it’s not big enough, will that be possible for the future?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Lia! We may be creating a wallpaper later with all the characters. Stay tuned for news!

  9. Lia says:

    Hi felicity18! LJ already confirmed it. I found this on the message boards.

    January 11: “The Hardy Boys will be physical characters in the game and not just phone friends.” (Jan 9, ASB – Old Concept Art – The Creature)

  10. felicity18 says:

    Thanks for clearing that up for me. I really appreciate it. Now I’m even more excited for Midnight in Salem!!


  11. JP says:

    Will Jonah von Spreecken and Robert Jones be returning to voice them?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi JP! We haven’t announced who the voice actors are for MID, but I hope to share on the blog later! 😀

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