Nancy Drew Musical and Halloween Sale!

New information has been shared about the upcoming Nancy Drew musical! Click to learn more over on

The most interesting bit of information I read here was that the story is going to take place on a cruise ship, and Nancy Drew is older, and will include her daughter, Diana Nickerson. 😉

Nancy Drew Musical

Left: Betsy Wolfe, who plays Diana Nickerson, Nancy’s daughter. Right: Judy McLane, who plays Nancy Drew.

What are your thoughts on this new musical?

We’ve begun our Halloween sale! Shop here!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Halloween Sale

Also, there’s a new podcast episode out featuring the voice of Dagny, Ryan, and Niobe. Listen via our YouTube Channel:

-Little Jackalope

Posted in: Blogs, Holiday, Nancy Drew, News, Sale

17 responses to “Nancy Drew Musical and Halloween Sale!”

  1. Emerald says:

    Isn’t it the 26th, not the 25th?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Emerald, you are correct. I wrote the blog post on the 25th, but it wasn’t approved by the leader, so it went live live on Friday. The blog kept my draft date.

  2. I WANNA SEE THIS!!!! I love musicals! I saw “Wicked” a couple summers ago which I’ve been dying to see since I was in the fourth grade or so I don’t remember but I loved it!!! After that one, I’ve been trying figure out what my next one I wanna see next will be and this will definitely be my next!

  3. I have all three of these she was in so far! My dad loves Rodgers & Hammerstein!

  4. budford says:

    I never knew Nancy has a daughter, she should be in a game =)

    • Little Jackalope says:

      I believe this is the first time anyone has created and written out a daughter for Nancy Drew. 🙂 I don’t know of any books that mention her having children.

  5. stefan says:

    Hey LJ, do you still have a mail where we could send fan art, edits or stuff like that?

  6. Did you guys get my e-mail of my pumpkin for the contest it should be under And please post it on Facebook and Twitter! All Good!!!

  7. Thank you LJ! See you later!

  8. Lucas says:

    Congrats Little Jackelope!!

  9. Matthew says:

    Do you think you can do I B-DAY shoutout on 31st of October!

  10. Matthew says:

    Do you think you can do I B-DAY shoutout

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