Web Site Fix, and Hoodies

Hey all, friendly alert: our web site may be down for a short time for some maintenance tonight. Thanks for your patience!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Web Site


And in case you missed it, we have hoodies available in Amazon now! Shop here.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Merchandise Hoodies

Also, this week is our Twitch party! Follow us here.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Twitch Party

-Little Jackalope

Posted in: Blogs, Merchandise, News, Twitch

8 responses to “Web Site Fix, and Hoodies”

  1. Emerald says:

    Hi LJ,

    I thought I should let you know that on the VEN site, under Downloads, if you click on the Piazza wallpaper it will only show the VEN website again; no wallpaper. Can you fix that? Thanks.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Thanks for the heads-up, Emerald! Fixed it.

      • Brooke says:

        This actually happens on a lot of the wallpapers. I’m not sure which ones exactly, but I was recently going through them and came across a point where the wallpapers that weren’t hi-res wouldn’t work.

  2. your awesome, herinteractive!!

  3. Sakura says:

    Those hoodies are a must have! I love them <3. I'm so excited for the twitch party!

  4. eski says:

    hi lj

    quick question

    i ordered something from your website (int)
    and its been over 30+days since shipment. christmas and all passed but it still hasnt arrived. what could be this delay if it has shipped over a month ago?

  5. Happypuppyharley says:

    Super cool hoodies! Do you think there will a robot puppy one in the future?

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