Nancy Drew Coloring Page: Kate Drew

It’s another travel Tuesday where we remember doing something we had never done before: make Bento boxes in Japan! Features Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Travel

Also, I created a coloring page out of the cover art from Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy. You can download this from the downloads section of the page or by clicking here. Color Kate Drew and share with us your artwork on our social media pages! I’d love to see your skills!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games

-Little Jackalope

14 responses to “Nancy Drew Coloring Page: Kate Drew”

  1. Prairie says:

    That’s so cool! I love seeing how many awesome ideas you can come up with! Oh and thank you for the birthday shout out:)

  2. Happypuppyharley says:

    I’m going to colour it right away! Do you think you’ll make more colouring pages? I would love to colour the carousel horse.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Happy puppy harley, yes, I will definitely be making more coloring pages in the future. 😉

  3. Chandler says:

    Hey LJ,

    I figured I would try and ask on here because all the emails I have sent to the company have given me no real answers, just copy and paste messages that totally and completely avoided my question. When we purchase a digital download of a game why is it that we are not allowed to download the game whoever we choose and instead have a limited number of days that we can download them – that is unless we purchase an extension period which still isn’t a lifetime service. What baffles me most is we buy the game, usually at full price, so therefore we own it. It is no different than us having the physical disc in our possession so why is it say when a computer crashes or we get a new machine we cannot download the games we purchased previously again? Sure we could make a copy of it on an external hard drive but why should we have to? Other services such as Steam or something like the Play Station Network allow you to re download titles you’ve already purchased and own whenever you please no matter how long its been. Like I stated before I tried to ask this in an email that I sent about some other issues I was having with my games (only to wind up with cut and paste answers that did nothing for me), but the question was completely and 100% avoided. All I am asking for is a logical answer that makes sense, if one is given I won’t have any problems with not being able to download a game that I bought whenever I want although that is a bit backwards in my opinion. However if no answer is given I can only come to the conclusion that many of the other fans I have spoken to about this issue have come up with is that its simply just greed. I would really appreciate some insight into this and maybe get some of this confusion cleared up. Thank you!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Chandler, did you have trouble when you purchased a game from our web site? (Like it didn’t work or you never had the chance to download it?) If so, our tech support or FAQ pages can help get the game working. As for digital downloads, having backups is a smart way of saving your game in case of computer crashes, and we offer a couple of options (EDS or backup discs, especially if you purchased directly from us), it’s part of our store policy. Is there anything I can help you with that our tech support or customer service couldn’t help you with?

      • Chandler says:

        My problem with tech support was that a game I purchased refuses to work on any version of Mac OS, I have tried it on several different version of Macintosh computers as well. I am attempting to install Trail of the Twister, the game works perfectly well on a Windows PC but I am not even given the option to install the game on my Mac machines, the game shows a slash through the installer icon and ejects the disc. I am using Apple’s external CD drive and I have only used it to install my Nancy Drew games (maybe 4-5 times) so I know that its not an issue with the Superdrive. I was having the same issue with Shadow at the Waters Edge until I broke down and bought the digital download (purchasing the game for the second time) and the game was able to install perfectly. I messaged tech support asking if there was any way to get a digital download for Trail of the Twister without having to purchase the game again and the disc has absolutely no physical damage which leads me to believe there is just an issue with a Mac installation (I know this is the first game that was available on a Mac). I messaged Tech support with all of these issues a few months back and the answer given to me was cut and paste information that didn’t answer any of my specific questions I had with the installation process and instead I was told that my Mac OS was broken. I knew this couldn’t be true however I took both my Macbook and iMac to the apple store and had them reinstall the OS for me just to be sure nothing went wrong. After Trail of the Twister still not working, again I tried various different Mac computers and operating systems. I had also messaged tech support in regards to the backwards policy of not being able to download the digital downloads whenever we please the question was completely avoided as it was here on the blog. All I am asking for is a simple explanation as this is the first company I have run into that has such a policy. It just doesn’t make sense to me (as well as other fans of the series I have spoken to) we are outright purchasing these games and not renting them, so why should we have to pay an extra amount just to download the game an extra few years (again not even for lifetime) All I ask is some clarity on this subject and some help, other than the cut and paste installation instructions I have been getting. I cannot follow these instructions because I am not even allowed to launch the installer. Thank you!

        • Little Jackalope says:

          I’m sorry Chandler, but the installation help I have to offer you is the same as what tech support has offered. I do not have an explanation for Digital River’s policy or any of the business to share insight to. May I ask which Mac OS you are currently using? And have you tried the process we offer in our FAQs?

        • Little Jackalope says:

          Also, the physical games are both PC and Mac compatible, while the digital downloads are specific to PC or Mac. In case that was another question. 🙂

        • Kaity says:

          I totally agree with Chandler. Digital River’s download policy is completely outdated compared with other digital game services out there. On Nintendo’s Wii U for example, as long as you use the same Network ID, your game stays on your account and you can download a purchased game onto another system without a time constraint. Having to pay extra for an extended download service that expires (and you may not ever need) is completely absurd. I have only purchased one title digitally, but only because all other special editions were sold out. I do not intend to do it again.

  4. Will says:

    LJ, if you ever have the time, you should totally make a coloring book based upon the cover art of each game!

    I’d so buy it. 🙂

  5. Prairie says:

    Hi LJ! My sister just got a new Mac computer and I was wondering if Nancy Drew can work on a Mac? Is there something special that you have to do?

  6. Janessa Day says:

    I’ve been trying to figure out this bento boxes, look on YouTube channel still no help! I’ve got first time right! Second time no help at all! I hate it when it changes! Please me!!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Janessa! I’m sorry you’re having trouble with that puzzle, it’s a hard one! 🙁 Unfortunately, Bento changes every time, so it’s hard to give you an exact solution. Watching YouTube videos certainly helps to show how to think, but the thinking will have to be done at your own game. Think of it like sudoku, and consider that some pictures of the bento overlap each other. There is some process of elimination to it. Try asking a friend or family member to sit with you through it in trying to solve it!

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