Winter Solstice 2016

Happy first day of winter! It’s winter solstice today (meaning it’s the shortest day of the year, when we are tilted furthest from the sun.) To celebrate, Curse of Blackmoor Manor is on sale for 50% off, since that game mentions the solstices and equinoxes. (It’s also a great game!)


I was having computer trouble yesterday, so I missed sharing the countdown gift. Here’s yesterday’s and today’s:

Tomorrow I begin my Christmas vacation, but I may have a few blog posts scheduled to appear on the days I am out. 😉

-Little Jackalope

4 responses to “Winter Solstice 2016”

  1. Prairie says:

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hayden says:

    does stay tuned for danger work if you buy it on a iPad and then play it on the computer???

  3. Elizabeth Riepenhoff says:

    New blog post(s) coming soon?

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