TBT and Stay Tuned for Danger Party!

We have a great Throwback Thursday sale today on Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower! With the 50% promo code TRT-50 (applied at checkout) you can get this digital download for only $4.99 today only. Enjoy!


Also, tonight Tess and I start playing Stay Tuned for Danger on Twitch! Be sure to follow us to join the live chat. (It’s a free account, but you can still watch the show without signing in.)


I only hope I can get rid of my hiccups before we go live. Eeesh! >_<

-Little Jackalope

9 responses to “TBT and Stay Tuned for Danger Party!”

  1. Kit says:

    I love Treasure in the Royal Tower! Because of that game I made my name in French class “Marie-Antoinette”

  2. Prairie says:

    Sweet! I had to miss the twitch party:( What is the promo code for the game? Is there one this time?

  3. felicity18 says:

    Hey LJ!

    I have an instant cure for the hiccups that I discovered a few years ago. All you have to do is eat a teaspoon of jam and drink a glass of water. Then your hiccups will go away. So the next time that you have the hiccups try this remedy, it works.

    I hope it works for you!


  4. Kendra says:

    Hey, Little Jackalope!
    I’m hoping that you can answer my question. I’m an amateur YouTuber, and I was thinking I might like to include some of the Nancy Drew soundtrack music in my videos. But I don’t know if that is against HeR’s copyright policy or not… Would you happen to know if it’s alright? If you don’t know, could you point me in the right direction for me to find out? Thanks so much!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Kendra! You may certainly use the music in your videos. Our only request is that in the description of each video, put this info in it: “This video contains footage or music from the Nancy Drew series, made by Her Interactive (www.herinteractive.com). All rights are owned by Her Interactive.” And you’re good! Be sure to share your Nancy Drew videos with us via social media so we can share them with fellow fans, too!

  5. Hayden says:

    Hi lj you r hallreis

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