Halloween Sale 2016!

Hooray! We have a Halloween sale on these select games this year, shop here!


Which Nancy Drew mystery have you not solved yet?

Also, we are announcing our next Twitch party! It’s next week starting Wednesday. Follow us on Twitch here to get the alerts when we go live! I’m so excited to be playing Shadow at the Water’s Edge with you all! (It was the first game I got to help work on when I first joined HeR Interactive’s production team.)


Don’t forget to begin working on your Nancy Drew pumpkins and costumes for these contests! Click on each image to learn more about them.

contest_2016pumpkin01 contest_2016costume01

Don’t forget that you have only two more days to get these T-shirts on sale on Amazon!


And here’s your weekend puzzle! Simply identify the objects and silhouettes and the game they are from:


-Little Jackalope

15 responses to “Halloween Sale 2016!”

  1. NDFan says:

    Regarding MID (of course), was it just coincidence that the Facebook profile photo you’d first posted yesterday happens to seem to be from this http://www.herinteractive.com/wp-content/uploads/DetFeature_D_MidnightinSalem01-939×365.jpg

    I know you posted earlier the profile photo switch had nothing to do with MID but does the photo itself at least mean we can expect some sort of news in the near future? (BESIDES saying you have no news)

    Appreciate your tolerance of the never ending questions and criticism concerning the entire situation!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      The picture of the moon is a slightly modified researched photo we have saved for reference in our art files for the games. 🙂

  2. Will says:

    Here goes my best shot…

    1: Fish cutout from one of the arcades in Carousel…
    2: … It looks familiar but idk ;_;
    3: .. Plants..? Either from Kapu Cave or CUR
    4: Whale phone charm from SAW
    5: Egg basket from Ranch
    6: .. Is it a lighthouse?

  3. Lily says:

    Hey Little Jackalope! I just had a question. I remember in the August 2015 letter to the fans, you mentioned that there would be “richer gameplay, more compelling storylines and more characters.” However, from what I’ve seen in the MID character concept art reveals, there seems to be only 5 characters in the game, although HER said there would be more characters, so i assumed 6+ characters since some ND games already had 5 characters, so 5 in MID wouldn’t be more.This isn’t targetted at you LJ but I am speaking on behalf of many fans; we would really like to have more characters and much longer challenging gameplay, especially with the Unity engine, this can definitly be accomplished. Isn’t it the reason for the engine switch in the first place? Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not crtisicing, only suggesting and voicing my opinion as well as many other fans’ opinions. I am still really looking forward to MID! 🙂

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Lily! We have taken into consideration all the fans’ requests: more characters, longer gameplay, more environments, more exploring, more scares, etc. But we will have to see what can be accomplished with our first upgrading of the games with Unity.

  4. cami says:

    Alright so I think the basket is from either secret of shadow ranch or haunting of castle malloy. and the whale is either from shadow at the waters edge or danger on deception Island. The rest is still a mystery 🙂

  5. Nancy says:

    Aw,man! Now I have to choose between watching Twich and watching The Flash. 🙁

  6. Nancy says:

    Don’t forget the Easter eggs when playing SAW, LJ.

  7. this is Jennifer i’m a big Nancy drew fan and i have payed all the Nancy drew games that have come out on PC the one i haven’t played yet is midnight in Salem and i saw it was going to be out this year and i am really existed for it to be coming out so i was wondering when it well be out on PC please email me back and let me know or right post a blog on your web-sit


    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Jennifer! There is no release date set for Midnight in Salem yet. When there is, we will be sure to have it posted on our web site.

  8. Caiteyg says:

    Hey, LJ! was wondering, could you send a shout out to my brother, Jeremy, for his birthday? His birthday is October 14th, and he likes the Hardy Boys and spy gear. Thanks!

  9. Stacie says:

    Hi! Can you please answer a little question about MID release date? Like, should we expect it to be released this year, or 2017, or HI hasn’t decided yet?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Stacie! I’m sorry, but we don’t have an estimated time frame of when the release date will be.

  10. Himeko says:

    The first one is from the arcade in Haunted Carousel.
    The Second one is the glowing eyes device from Blackmoor Manor in the optional hallway chase.
    Third one is the flowers you pick in Phantom fo Venice.
    Fourth one is a phone charm from Shadow at the Water’s Edge.
    The fifth one is the egg basket from Shadow Ranch.
    Last one is a metal farmhouse looking thing from Niko’s Secret Study in Deadly Device.

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