Destruction And Weekend Puzzle #304

Downstairs below our office de-construction is happening. We occasionally hear odd noises and every time we walk downstairs… there’s no one around, yet things change. It’s kinda eerie. They are taking out some walls and redoing some wiring. Upstairs we have the balcony openings walled off so that dust doesn’t bother us too much upstairs.


Construction03  Construction02

In a far-fetched way, it sort of reminds me of the renovation work in Message in a Haunted Mansion. But it also makes me think of the Nancy Drew book The Sign of the Twisted Candles where the room furniture is covered in sheets to prevent the dust collecting.

Here’s your random weekend puzzle:


-Little Jackalope

8 responses to “Destruction And Weekend Puzzle #304”

  1. terez says:

    hey LJ when is your next twitch game? please respond back as soon as possibly!

  2. Elizabeth Riepenhoff says:

    “Someone sent him frozen chocolates?”

    Does this mean you’ll play Stay Tuned For Danger for the next Twitch party? 😀

  3. Elizabeth Riepenhoff says:

    *poisoned. Why did I type “frozen”? -_-

  4. Teri says:

    Wow,that must be scary. It reminds me of that game too. I have a question for you, will there ever be a game where they bring back a culprit?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Teri! We have already made a game where a culprit comes back. Check out Ransom of the Seven Ships. 😉

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