Nerd Shirts and Weekend Puzzle #289

I’m kinda a nerd, and kinda excited for this…


You can shop on Amazon here for all the Nancy Drew t-shirts we are offering. 😉


Here’s your weekend puzzle!

Key: Ghost

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We have a couple of birthdays to celebrate this weekend!

Birthday_Haley Birthday_Joey

-Little Jackalope

Posted in: Birthday, Blogs, Merchandise

10 responses to “Nerd Shirts and Weekend Puzzle #289”

  1. nina says:

    hi, my birthday is on the 28th this week, could I have a birthday shout-out?

  2. Kerri says:

    So excited about those shirts! I can hardly wait to order one.. Or two..three..?? Hard decision to make.

  3. Kate says:

    Hey Little Jackalope,
    Thanks for running this blog. It’s nice to see all the update and new information in the Her Interactive universe. Are there any updates on the upcoming Nancy Drew game Midnight in Salem and the platform changes?


    P.S. I’m also loving the recent video uploads you are doing where you place yourself as Nancy into the previous games. Can’t wait to see more. Keep up the good work.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Kate! Glad you enjoy the videos! As for the next ND game, we have no new news since August. Have you read the letter to the fans? Check it out here:

      • Kate says:

        Yes, I did read the letter to the fans as soon as it came out. Thanks for replying. I guess we’ll just have to be patient and wait. Is HER going to update their “meet the team” page with the new CEO and new members of Her Interactive at some point?
        Also side comment, I really like what HER has been doing with Ned and Nancy’s characters in the last 5 or so games. Loved the conversation options between Ned and Nancy in SEA and that he told her he loved her. Also really liked Ned becoming more assertive in SPY and in ASH. I’m a Ned and Nancy shipper to the end 🙂

  4. Paige says:

    Love you guys, but $21.99 is a lot for a T-shirt. I could buy 2-3 of the older games or 1 of the newer ones for less.

  5. Joey says:

    Thanks for the shoutout

  6. NDsolver says:

    $21.99 for a T-shirt? I could probably buy myself a hole outfit for less than that! Like, there cool, but that’s a lot…

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Out of Print clothing sells the ND T-shirt with the cover art of Sign of the Twisted Candles for $28.95 and their long-sleeve silhouette fleece shirts for $34.95 – $48.00. 🙂 Zazzle sells for $21.95-$29.95.

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