T-Shirts and Trivia
More t-shirt entries have been coming in! We posted many on our contest page, but many are posted on Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest via the hashtag #NancyDrewFashion. That’s how you can look them up. (If you sent in an entry via email, don’t worry if you don’t see it posted right away. We are working on sharing all of them this week on Twitter.)
Have you thought up a great t-shirt design? Get some inspiration from the merchandise store by selecting the t-shirts and looking through the available images. Hint: The horse shirt already exists in the DDI folder.
Can you reach into the recesses of your memory and recall the answer to today’s Trivia question from Secret of the Scarlet Hand?
We have a birthday to celebrate today!
-Little Jackalope
will all the entries be shared on the contest page like these?? because i dont see any of mine or my sisters..
All entries will *eventually* be tweeted on Twitter. There are too many to be posted on the contest page, now. 🙁