The Night Before…

Hey all! I was out of the office last Friday and didn’t post a puzzle, sorry!

This week is an exciting one! Pre-orders for Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness begin tomorrow at 9:00 am Pacific time. (Mountain time is 10:00 am, Central is 11:00 am, and Eastern is noon.)

What is extra-super-way-cool is the new addition to pre-orders. Everyone who pre-orders the game from our site is automatically entered for a chance to win tickets to Iceland! (You can learn more here.)


But what makes me more anxious for pre-orders tomorrow is this: the first 500 pre-orders will be getting a Koko Kringle bar sent to them! WHOOHOO!!


We have a belated birthday to celebrate!


-Little Jackalope


11 responses to “The Night Before…”

  1. Angela says:

    So great! Unfortunately the trip is only for US, but I will go there someday! ;D

  2. Angela says:

    Also, will there be more downloads included? (Other than the cover art and strategy guide)

  3. Mimi says:

    Wow, tickets to Iceland? That’s awesome!
    I’m so excited to see the trailer for SEA! = )

    I was just wondering – which horse is that in the birthday shout-out? I don’t recognize it from Shadow Ranch… did you edit Bob?

  4. admiralgosoe says:

    Sitting at my computer waiting for the preorders to open up with card in hand!! So excited!!

  5. Molly says:

    Hey LJ, How do you Pre-order? I was going to until I realized that there is no “Pre order here” button -_-

  6. Sylvia says:

    I just pre-ordered! So excited for this game! Just one question, when I ordered it said it would ship on or around April 12; it’s already past April 12, so could you give me an idea of when it will ship? Thanks!

  7. ND's #1 fan says:

    YESSSSSS I’m so excited lol, I think this is by far the best prize you have ever offered! And I preordered right at 12:00… so I should see a Koko Kringle… hopefully lol 😛

  8. Caitlin says:

    Just curious: will we be notified if we were one of the first 500 to preorder, thus receiving a Koko Kringle? If so, how soon, or does it just arrive with your game?

  9. Hunter says:

    Koko Kringle bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I CAN”T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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