The Three Judges (And Weekend Puzzle #251)

We shared another great screenshot from Labyrinth of Lies today! Check it out:


These three judges sit in the underworld, between two doors. Before them are the scales that decide the fate of the dead, according to Greek mythology. Which of these two doors do you suppose is *GASP* locked? πŸ˜‰ (This was what I was hinting at in last week’s puzzle.)

Only four days left until pre-orders open!!


We can’t forget the shout outs this weekend!

Birthday_Chas Birthday_Eileene Birthday_Emily

Aaaaaand here’s your puzzle!


-Little Jackalope

16 responses to “The Three Judges (And Weekend Puzzle #251)”

  1. Jadyn says:

    I got “you’ll never see the sun again!” Sound scary

  2. NANCYGEEK says:

    Yayyy! AWESOME screen shot!(the colors are totally FAB) I’m gonna guess the red one is locked but i’m not sure… can’t WAIT for the trailer! My count down trailer for today is Ghost of Thornton Hall…. 4 days still seem to long, LOL!

  3. Connie says:

    Woohoo! I was right! Percy Jackson helps me yet once again!

  4. H23 says:

    Hi LJ! I really wonder if you could post a card because i am coming back to school
    And the name is hamad and fave. Games is Ghost dogs of moon lake, Secrets at the shadow ranch, the haunted carsoul , and he loves all games so THANKS !!!!!! πŸ™‚

  5. H23 says:

    I mean can you post a card because i am going back to school and the name is hamad and my fav. Games is all games THANKS !!!!!! πŸ™‚

  6. Kimi says:

    Hey LJ!
    I was just having a mini marathon of watching all the past game trailers. Such fun πŸ™‚
    Then i switched over to the Amateur Sleuth Blog playlist, and then I found myself wondering if HerInteractive has considered making an app just with Herinteractive news updates on it for iphones/tablets/androids, etc. Where one could check Amateur Sleuth Blog updates from there as well, etc..
    I think that would be fantastic!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      That would be pretty cool! However, our new web site is mobile-friendly, so everything can easily be viewed on your phone or tablet. πŸ˜‰

  7. Emily says:

    Thanks soooooo much for the birthday shoutout! πŸ™‚

  8. Samantha says:

    You’ll Never See The Sun Again. That is kind of foreboding, and yet exciting. Can’t wait for LIE.

  9. Marianne says:

    The one on the right? Or both?

  10. Foundation2430 says:

    What does the three judges do? Do they sit there and judge the souls that have passed on from the Styx river? Anyway, this is going to be a good history/mystery adventure.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      A lot of the info on Greek mythology is all online if you run a search. πŸ˜‰ However, there will be lots of great things to learn inside the game, too.

  11. Katie says:

    Hi Little Jackalope! I LOVE you blog and have been a long time reader! Could you give a shout out to my BFF and long time reader Sydney on her birthday? She is turning on 14 on September 19th.

    Thanks a billion!

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