Teases from LIE… Continued.
July 31st, 2014
So it turns out I missed a few shoes to show off from yesterday:
One of these is a newer character. One is a model version of shoes I’ve shown you, and a third… is special.
Tomorrow we shall show you more. Not shoes, but something better. Stay tuned! 😉
Oh hey! We shared this today. It’s Throwback Thursday! Remember the good ‘ole times like in Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon…?
-Little Jackalope
Oh boy, I am so excited for The Labyrinth of Lies!!! Hey tomorrow is another episode of Dahlia’s Diaries! Can’t wait for the video! I’m curious – could it be the first picture is Nancy’s feet? I dunno I just think that’s something she would wear for some reason…I’m also excited for the official trailer to come out!
When making Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon, did they try to make the dolls look creepy?
That’s a good question. I think they were going for cute/creepy. It really depends on your own perspective. Some dolls in real life can be super cute or super creepy, depending on how you look at them!
All dolls are creepy to me.
Hmmm, I wonder if those could be Nancy’s shoes…? IDK, can’t wait though! 😀
I’m assuming the “special” is one of the historian characters that have something to do with Greek mythology? (Although just a guess) I’m intrigued.
Oh, how I love these dolls… Especially Tina…
The character whose model version you showed us really looks tanned..! 😛
Ooooooh… i am even more excited for this game!!!! Looks reeeeeally interesting. I can’t WAIT to see the cover art!!!!!!!