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#13 Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

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$9.99 $7.99 with code LOVEMYSTERY25
10 to Adult
Retail Release September 2005

Game Story

Nancy Drew®: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

Catch this train — it’s your ticket to solving a century-old mystery!

The Hardy Boys have invited you, as Nancy Drew, on a train ride out West hosted by beautiful and prominent socialite, Lori Girard. Lori has gathered the greatest minds in mystery to solve a century-old secret and the haunted train is their best clue. The luxurious train once belonged to Jake Hurley, who set out long ago to find the mother lode during mining mania. Years later, Jake’s train was found in Blue Moon Canyon with the engineer slumped over in the car – dead. Jake had mysteriously vanished… Climb aboard, as Nancy Drew, and see if you can uncover the truth at the end of the line in Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon!

Free Strategy Guide with Game

You’ll get this free strategy guide walkthrough with your purchase of the game from Her Interactive.

Already own the game? You can purchase the Official Digital Strategy guide here!


“This is an entry in the series that long-time fans will love... the game delivers strong in so many ways that you will look over any of the weak puzzles and enjoy another outing with Nancy, the Hardys, and the usual collection of goofy and humorous characters (even a recurring character from a previous mystery!), accompanied by dialogue that's more crisp and witty than it has been in a while.” ~Just Adventure

The game offers hours of thrilling detective work. As all the Nancy Drew games, Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon is targeted to mystery fans ages 10 to adult. It is worth noting that this is the kind of game that can be particularly enjoyable to play with other people. You can have a wonderful time discovering the mystery with a friend or family member. Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon can be easily recommended to adventure and mystery fans. ~Adventure Lantern

“These puzzles are varied, logical, and make sense in the train's historical context, and there is something simply enjoyable about investigating the different characters and piecing together clues to the mystery of both Lori Girard's disappearance and Jake's old mine. Although more could have been made to involve them in the investigation, the introduction of the Hardy Boys is also a nice reward for longtime Nancy Drew fans.” ~Adventure Gamers

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Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon
Average rating:  
 27 reviews
 by Julia

this game was not as fun as i thought it would be but it was still fun, I think that it takes too long to be able get off the train.i think some of the puzzles are a Little bit too hard but some were fun to do. overall this game was pretty good

 by cate
Last train to Blue Moon canyon

i think this one was very very good except for a few things. i just think its takes a very long time before you can get off the train but i dont have a really big problem with that. one thing that bothers me is that Nancy asked Tino Balducci for a pen but he makes you do this puzzle that takes like hours to solve couldnt he just give you a pen??!! the doll puzzle was hard but i liked the challenge. finding lori was exciting she has an interesting personality. how did she get food in there? i cant remember if they ever said. i like it when the Hardy boys are in Nancy Drew games as well.

 by Jillian Mathews
Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon

I'm actually playing this game for the second time and I think it's awesome! I think Nancy Drew games are definatley playing over and over again type games! My two year old nephew loves trains (specifically Thomas) and the other day I tried to show him the game and the second I told him it was haunted, he walked away and I guess he isn't ready for ghostly trains yet, LOL!

 by Mary
My Favorite

I have played several ND games, and this one has been my favorite so far. I love the train. The puzzles and games were easy enough that they did not frustrate me, but they weren't so easy that I was bored. I wish that I could have been able to enter to rooms in the sleeper car. There were times when I got stuck, but that was because I had items to use in my inventory! I would recommend this game to both senior and junior detectives.

 by Anke
Great game to start with

For those who aren't familiar yet with the ND-games, start with this one.

- Graphics: 7/10: For it's time, it's great. But if you play it in 2017, of course it could be better :--
- Setting 8/10: I love love love the trainsetting! Only the hop on-hop off between the trains was tiresome. Just the first time was enough.
- Characters 7/10: Meeting the Hardyboys is great of course, and the different characters gives the story a great 'whodunit'. There one 1 characters (I won't give any names) that's a bit useless, in my opinion. Not only in the ending, but in the whole plot.
- Plot 7,5/10: Good, but not all that great.
- Puzzles 8/10: Quite easy, actually. Once you get the hang of some puzzles, you'll be able to finish the other ones too.
- Total 7/10

 by Elizabeth
The Train of Puzzles

This one was medium, I went on the website a few times (mainly when I didn't know what to do next, which happened a few times). It was mainly puzzles and at first you don't know what to do amd then you find like 20 that you do over time. The plot and ending was kind of dumb, but I liked learning about the train and the west. Even though the Hardy Boys didn't help like at all, they were fun to have around and to talk about with Bess and George. I liked this one, and puzzlers will like it even more!

 by Kate May
Great game for beginner sleuths!

Graphics 10/10: The graphic in this game are beautiful! Especially considering when it was released.

Setting 9/10: Having the main plot take place on a beautiful old fashioned train was amazing! There were SO many places to explore not only on the train but off of it! My oly complaint would be that going back and forth through the whole train got tiring at times but overall wonderful setting!

Characters 10/10: The amount of characters in this game was a wonderful addition to the mystery. All the characters had a lot of depth, personality and were all around a pleasure to talk to! Having Frank and Joe present was a huge plus as well!

Plot 6/10: This is where the game falls a little bit short for me. I didn't feel as it was much of a mystery game as trying to find a hidden location. Even at the end of the game I was still confused as to what the mystery was that I had just solved.

Conclusion 10/10: Completley unexpected and one of my favorite conclusions in the series!

Puzzles 7/10: If you like lots of puzzles you will LOVE this game. For me there were too many and it got old after awhile but I also prefer plot over puzzles so this is personal preference.

Total: 8/10

While not at thrilling as most ND games, its a great game for beginners that will keep you hooked beginning to end!

 by Miri
Ride the Rails into Mystery!

Nancy, Frank and Joe Hardy are invited on a train trip by rich girl Lori Girard, the goal is to discover where Jake Hurley's lost mine is. The old train is full of secrets and could even be haunted my Jake's wife Camille!

Play as Nancy, Joe and Frank. Explore the train, learn to dance, play leaping lizards, sort taffy, make hamburgers, visit Camille's crypt. This game is a lot of fun, exploring the train cars is great, plus Charleena Purcell is a real character in this game.

 by Angela
The train to...

You know, this game really made me want to see the Hardy Boys get their own series like Nancy Drew!! Please?????!? That being said, this game was actually pretty fun. I loved the characters. Unlike some of the other ND games I have played (like Waverly), these characters were all well developed. They had their own personality, all of them were pretty different from each other (it was like the hostess invited complete polar opposites). I loved the detail on the train. Every car was unique, and clues were around every corner. You must put Charleena in more games. I simply love her character almost as much as I love the space cadet Professor Hotchkiss! And in true HI fashion, the phone conversations always make me laugh. Well done!!

 by Haley
Game Review

This game is my favorite. The setting is so different from anything else in the other ND games, and you get to see the Hardy Boys! This game does fool you though- you don't really "play" as the Hardy Boys, but you are there.

The train is really cool. There's a lot crammed into those compartments and lots of secrets to unfold. You even get to see someone who you spoke with from Secret of Shadow Ranch.

The characters in this game are fun. They are deep and pretty different from one another. It's also cool how many of them tie into other games.

The mystery is a good one and the criminal is a surprise! I really enjoyed this one.

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ESRB Rating:





10 to Adult


Retail Release September 2005

Operating System:

Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

Additional installation instructions may be required for Windows Vista/7. Click here for more information.

Minimum System Requirements:

  • 1 GHz or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 650 MB or more of hard drive space
  • 32 MB DirectX compatible video card
  • 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card
  • 24X CD-ROM drive
  • Mouse and speakers

Read End User License Agreement (EULA)

  • Play as both Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys
  • Explore a crypt, mining museum, and Jake’s mine
  • Play pachinko, sort heirloom dolls, and be a short order cook
  • Choose from junior or senior detective difficulty levels
  • Use the periodic table of elements to solve puzzles
  • Find and identify precious gemstones

Game Characteristics

  • Point & Click Gameplay
  • Mystery Adventure Genre
  • Interactive Storyline
  • Strong Female Protagonist
  • Rich and Intriguing Characters
  • Single Player Game
  • First Person POV
  • Subtle Hints System
  • Challenging Puzzles
  • Gorgeous Environments
  • Detective Investigation
  • Immersive Controls
  • Realistic Settings

The Hardy Boys

These two brothers are no strangers to mystery and are friends of Nancy. They’ve been solving crimes and going undercover for ATAC. Lori invited them along because she thinks they’re cute.

Hardy Boys, detective brothers

John Grey

Host of the Ghost Channel, John analyzes electromagnetic fields to determine if there are any ghosts in the area. He thinks that Camille’s ghost may know something about Jake’s mine and disappearance.

John Grey, host of the Ghost Channel

Lori Girard

Beautiful, rich Lori loves to party. And what could be cooler than a party on a haunted train with world-famous detectives bound for an unknown destination to discover a century-old secret?

Lori Girard, beautiful socialite

Tino Balducci

He’s a hot-shot detective who solved a big case in Chicago. Some people say it was just luck. Tino’s out to show that he is the best detective and will do anything to prove it.

Tino Balducci, hot-shot detective

Charleena Purcell

Charleena’s historical novels have sold millions of copies, but she’s not interested in parties. She’s done her homework about Jake Hurley though – maybe she knows more about the treasure than she’s letting on.

Charleena Purcell, novelist

#13 Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

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