Meet Dahlia! (Plus Weekend Puzzle #239)

Dahlia has posted her first intern video on YouTube! Welcome to Her Interactive, Dahlia! I am excited to get to see more of your videos each Friday!

Be sure to leave a comment for her on YouTube, especially if there are some videos you’d like to see.

NEWS ALERT! The White Wolf of Icicle Creek (physical) is running low!


And here’s your weekend puzzle, enjoy!


We have a birthday!


-Little Jackalope

18 responses to “Meet Dahlia! (Plus Weekend Puzzle #239)”

  1. Lynn says:

    You mean we can never but White Wolf again after it sells out? Cant you just make more copies? Will it be discontinued? πŸ˜•

    • Lynn says:

      Buy not but

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Lynn, there will be no more physical copies of ICE when it runs out, but the digital download will still be available to purchase, so the game isn’t completely going away.

  2. SpyGirl says:

    I’ll have to check out the video!
    I already have ICE physical edition, so no worries there, but it’s a shame it’s being dropped. Why is it being dropped?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      We only made so many copies during the release of the game, seven years ago, and it is finally running out. πŸ™

  3. Nathaniel says:

    I was planning on making a collection of the physical copies
    then this shows up
    I just recently purchased two Sonny Joon shirts
    I’m really broke right now….. hahaha πŸ™‚
    But I do get your point in here about the cost
    Have a great day πŸ™‚

  4. Shainnen Somerville says:

    I have to ask you something LJ. When you guys re-vamped the website, I’ve been trying to find The Dare to Play Blog, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Will there still be more blog posts from there?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Good question, Shainnen! The Dare to Play blog has been merged into the same blog as the Amateur Sleuth blog. Since all the Dare to Play blog content was recently mirroring announcements on our home page, there was less need to keep it on its own.

  5. Amber says:

    “Returnig phone friends” is that right?

  6. Leah says:

    Thank you so much!I got the new game and am really enjoying it! It has quite a different theme, very interesting! thanks again LJ

  7. Firestone2430 says:

    Good luck, Dahlia! I already have the White Wolf of Icicle Creek. I was really excited that there was a wii game of this game. But then my excitement was shattered when I seen it was discontinued. But someone told me that there was some on Amazon and Ebay so I need to check. Congrats and I like your metamorphosis idea.

  8. Rachel says:

    Hi Little Jackalope
    Just wanted to ask you if you guys are ever going to make the older games available on mac and not just on pc. Huge fan and debating about what to do about my problem.

    Huge fan and future Nancy Drew

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Rachel! At the moment we aren’t planning on remastering or making older games available on the mac, since it takes time and more resources. πŸ™ Perhaps in the future we might consider it?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Rachel! At the moment we aren’t planning on remastering or making older games available on the mac, since it takes time and more resources. πŸ™ Perhaps in the future we might consider it…?

  9. ND's #1 fan says:

    Yay! Welcome, Dahlia! πŸ˜€ Cool video! Excited for next one, too! πŸ™‚ I also love WAC! (I’d have to say, it’s #5 in my book…ONLY because I think SPY, GTH, CAP, and VEN were the best….if I didn’t love all of those SOOO much though, WAC would probably be my #3) VEN is my most favorite though πŸ˜‰ And I’m also very excited about LIE (is that the abbreviation? I think it’s either LIE or LAB) being set in Greece too! Me being 1/4 Greek, I super-mega fangirled/screamed over the teaser. Like, now I’m wondering if the neighbors heard me?! LOL, yep, very excited for LIE! πŸ˜› And *gasps* alas, another game, becoming only digital from now on…*sobs* Why do you guys have to retire all the games? (Not retire…like SCK1 or STFD, but like WAC or TRT where it’s only digital. And also sorry if I sounded whiny…lol) ICE isn’t in my top 10…. mostly because of that insanely hard Fox & Geese puzzle… but it was still a good game! And when you guys retire a game, I feel like a part of the ND fandom dies….anyway. Enough of me being over-dramatic! πŸ˜› I just hate it when they become digital-only, that’s all. πŸ™‚ As for the weekend puzzle….I have no clue. I know they’re runes like in CUR, but I’ve never played CUR, so I don’t know how to figure it out πŸ˜› Oh well! Maybe next week…

  10. MysticalGirl08* says:

    This summer is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!! A fun new intern to get to know, another mysterious and possibly somewhat creepy game to die while anticipating for….it’s a good thing that nothing happens much for my summers, because this is going to be GREAT XD !!! And we don’t even have to wait for the fun to start,(fun stuff-anticipation) because it’s already here XD *girly squealing!!!* tah hah hah~* ! But just to be curious Lil’J (I love how curiosity’s condoned here ;P), are marketing internships the only kind of internships HeR offers? Also, a Note to Dahlia: Can you tell us what it’s like to be a marketing intern? What kind of things do you get to do? Is your desk chair comfortable?? And I have to agree with “ND’s #1 fan” and Miss Dahlia on WAC, it’s definitely one of my ultimate faves <3 πŸ˜€ ^_^ ~* !!!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi MysticalGirl08*! A long time ago there were art interns, game production interns and sound interns. These past few years we have offered Marketing internships, so it really depends on how the year looks for us. πŸ™‚ Also, Dahlia is answering questions and responding to comments on our YouTube channel. πŸ˜‰

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