The Pacific Run Field

Look what we revealed today! This is the field environment in The Shattered Medallion.

~Click on the image for a larger view~

A portion of this environment was used for inspiration on the cover art. That reminds me….as soon as I am finished working on the official trailer (which is releasing next Wednesday on April 15th), I should get to work on getting the cover art ready for the merchandise store. By the way, have you seen the new store design?

As for the weekend puzzle… it uses the Alt Code. You pretty much hold down the “alt” key on your PC keyboard and type in the number, then release the alt key. each time you enter a number, you get a character of some kind. Here is the complete answer [“Surprise! Your life is dangerous now!”] which is another direct quote from The Shattered Medallion.

~Little Jackalope~

14 responses to “The Pacific Run Field”

  1. Gosh, each and every year, you guys are just getting even more amazing with the graphic designs. It almost looks like a real life setting. Can’t wait for the trailer to come out next week! I’m probably just as excited as you are about sharing it LJ. Woohoo!

  2. Zanna says:

    So excited for this next game! 😀

    Hey Little Jackalope, could you please design a shirt for the merchandise store that would look like the one which Elliot Chen wears in The Haunted Carousel? That would be so cool!

    Have a great day!

  3. Ruthie says:

    I am so sorry I forgot to mention my friend’s name!(sooo forgetful lately)! Her name is Elizabeth, and if you don’t mind giving her a belated birthday shout-out for the 8th? If you can I would appreciate it much so!
    OOOOO! A scene from MED! Is it just me or does that building look like it is made of Jell-O?????
    I really like reading your blog and keep up the fantabulous work!
    From a ND fan,

  4. Anonymous says:

    You should really consider getting some kind or jewelry for the merchandise store. A necklace with a “design your own” pendant, or maybe some earrings with the same feature, and a charm bracelet might be nice as well. Just thought I’d mention that for some of the more girly girls out there that still love their Nancy Drew!

  5. Abby says:

    I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Virginia says:

    My Birthday is the 13th of April, next Sunday. 🙂 My name is Virginia and I’m turning 15. Thanks!

  7. Ginger says:

    Did you guys get a new environment artist? It looks different then the last few games…

    Looking good, though! Can’t wait for MED!

  8. Anonymous says:

    When are you going to reveal the characters?

  9. WWNDD12 says:

    Hey LJ!! Thanks for shairing the pics!! I CAN’T wait for MED!!!! 🙂

    I was wondering if you can help me?
    When i try and log on to the boards i get this error

    Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
    File: /home/herinter/public_html/community/includes/config.php
    Line: 1
    Her Interactive Inc. Community Forums

    Is this a glitch? How should i fix it if it is something wrong on my part?
    Thanks for your help!

  10. Beagle Cakes says:

    I can’t wait to see the official trailer 😀 Curious to what Sonny sounds like. (assume he may sound like Rentaro without the accent).

  11. Adrienne says:

    Definitely excited for The Shattered Medallion! I do have a question though, I want to get the Pacific Run New Zealand logo on a basic t-shirt but I want it at an exact fit with the shirt so that it looks the best it can be and include everything in the picture (including Her logo if I can), How would I achieve this?

  12. WWNDD12 says:

    Oh nevermind! You don’t have to approve the last post i made! LOL!

  13. @Shainnen Somerville — Why thanks! And yes, we are excited to share more art with you(especially the trailer!)

    @Zanna — I have written that idea down in my Merchandise Wishlist journal. Perhaps it will become available this summer….

    @Ruthie — You bet Ruthie! One bday shout coming up!

    @Anonymous — I am one of those girly-girls, too. I have already asked for jewelry in the merchandise store…but it may be a while before it becomes available. :-/

    @Ginger — The same art team who worked on SPY worked on MED as well. 🙂 But each artist has different styles and work on different environments.

    @ Anonymous – Characters will come soon!

    @WWNDD12 — We did indeed have a glitch today where the message boards went all buggy around 12:30… but after awhile we were able to fix it around 4pm.

    @Beagle Cakes — His voice will be revealed in the trailer. 😉

    @Adrienne — Good question! There are two little icons below that say “Fit” and “Fill”. Choose the “Fit” button and the image will fit within the t-shirt space allowed. Make sense?

  14. Adrienne says:

    Thank you so much LJ! Can’t wait for it to come in the mail!

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