MED Desktop Icon

We have revealed the actual shattered medallion! Voila! It will also be the desktop icon. I need to remember to add this to the merchandise store in the near future. However, there are much more awesome images I will be adding to the store….next week. Likely Wednesday. One concept image is done. The second is still finishing up. trailer

Oh boy, we have a long list of things to get ready for, and I can’t share with you most of it…but somewhere in this post I have hidden one other project I am about to start.

Oh hey! Have you signed up to receive our newsletters? I recommend it, especially if you are missing games from your mystery collection and want to know as soon as we start a big sale. *Wink*.

~Little Jackalope~

5 responses to “MED Desktop Icon”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh, can’t wait for the official trailer!

  2. ND's #1 fan says:

    Cool! I love that medallion graphic! And yes, I’ve signed up for the newsletters. 😉 Um.. hidden one other project in this post!?!?!? I highlighted it… Nada. Zip. Zilch. C’mon LJ!!! Don’t let us fans die of suspense!!! What was it? Pleeeaaase??!?!?!?!!? I’ll send you cookies!!! LOL but seriously… Cover Art? Trailer? Game page?!?!? I wish… *sobs then dies of suspense*
    XD sorry I’m just really excited for MED!!!!

  3. ND's #1 fan says:

    Oh LOL scratch my last comment! I wasn’t looking hard enough when I highlighted the post 🙂 TRAILER!!!! Woo-HOO!!!!!!!! I’m excited for when it’s released! I’m excited for MED in general XD

  4. Anonymous says:

    When will Herinteractive reveal the cover art for the new game? When will we see the trailer for the new game?

  5. Anonymous says:

    TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!
    I. Can. Not. Wait!!!!!!!! SO excited!!!

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