Old Secrets Lead to Scotland

With all the excitement we had over our last game, Ghost of Thornton Hall, it was quite easy to forget the old secrets hinted at for this year. Remember the old post 13 Hints for 2013 in January? There was one hint that I forgot to answer for GTH…


Hint #7: Talent. This vague hint given at the beginning of the year was referring to Harper in Ghost of Thornton Hall. The actress who voiced Harper was the same person who brought life to Professor Hotchkiss in Treasure in the Royal Tower, Legend of the Crystal Skull, and more recently, Tomb of the Lost Queen. She’s been a favorite to many since the early days, and we were excited for her performance as crazy Harper.


Now, there are at least two more hints from January that point toward the next mystery: The Silent Spy. One I can reveal at the moment:


Hint #6: Whistling. While our Design team comes up with a brand new story and mystery for Nancy each game, they do their research ahead of time and take a look at inspiring Nancy Drew books. One inspiring book for the design of The Silent Spy was, of course, “The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes”. This book has Nancy traveling back to her own country where she plays bagpipes at a few points to communicate across a distance.


Here is where we stand with our 13 hints/clues checklist:

More spy stuff to come!
~Little Jackalope~

8 responses to “Old Secrets Lead to Scotland”

  1. ND's #1 fan says:

    Cool! I just got Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes 2 days ago! (I had read it from the library, but now I own it) I love (or, to quote Ryan for the zillionth time, <3 lol) that one! but LJ, what about #11 on the list? Wouldn’t that refer to the Where’s Sonny contest you guys just did? Or are you planning another contest soon?!!?!? (o_O)

  2. Anonymous says:

    ‘Next is # 13’…I wonder what “fell” could be referring to.
    Why must you always be so vague LJ???


  3. William D says:

    She did Harper? Wow, I really wouldn’t have guessed, but now that you say it it seems to make sense somehow. I would still LOVE to know who the voice actor (singer) was for Charlotte. Pwease pwwweeeease tell me 🙂 I’m going to try and find that book at the library. With my luck they won’t have it XD

  4. Anonymous says:

    Next is number “13”

  5. Andrew says:

    Hey Little Jackalope (and the rest of HerInteractive, of course)! My name’s Andrew and I’ve been a fan of the Nancy Drew games for most of my life. My 16th birthday’s this Saturday (the 17th, the same day the Old Town Hall burned down XD) and I wanted to ask if I could have a little message on your blog like you’ve done with so many of your company’s fans. It’d mean the world to me. Thanks to you for keeping up with this blog and to everyone at HeR for constantly making superb games that I’m sure I’ll continue to enjoy many birthdays to come. 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hmm, I guess I should read that book; and play GHT,cause I still haven’t. I feel like I’m missing out. Maybe I’ll ask for it for my birthday. I’ll have you all know two of my top favs (besides CRY) is TMB and DED. 🙂 You guys are awesome!

    From me,

  7. @ND’s #1 fan — There could potentially be more contests in the future. 😉

    @Samantha – Vagie is the only way I can quietly reveal TOP SECRET information to you. 😉

    @William D — I’m not sure who sang as Charlotte, I’d have to dig deep to find out…

    @Andrew — You bet! Happy early birthday!

  8. ND's #1 fan says:

    @LJ- REALLY?!!?!?!? More contests this year!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? *insert excited scream that’s so loud China could hear* sorry I’m just really excited about that lol XD

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