TMB in Stores!
After the first day’s excitement settled down from the official launch of Tomb of the Lost Queen (yay!), today the Sales and Marketing team and I went on a fun field trip to a few of the retail stores that sell our games. We wanted to see TMB on the shelves to see how they are displayed, see below picture on the right. It’s really exciting to walk into a store and see our game on the shelf and say to a nearby shopper “Look! We made this!” or “Have you heard of this game? It’s really good!” with a big smile on our faces. XD
To complete our outing, we walked over to get lunch at a Greek restaurant. I am also guilty of playing paparazzi as I held back a bit to snap a photo of our team walking there (top left picture). Since I had never ventured out to try Greek food, I had our CEO order something for me, after all, the menu “was all Greek to me”. What I got was a plate large enough to feed a large herd of jackalopes…or just four of me. I learned something new though, gyros are pronounced yer-ohs or like Euros, not Guy-rohs or Jie-rohs like I thought. >_<
Check it out! Today is Howard Carter’s birthday and in honor of that, Google had a doodle up today! Was today simply a coincidence? Maaaaaaybe. For those who don’t know, Howard Carter was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist known for co-discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun. Howard Carter is briefly mentioned in TMB, I shall leave it up to you to discover where… 😉
~Little Jackalope~
that must be the best feeling in the world to have! 🙂 to see something you helped make sitting on a shelf at a store. If i had helped make it I would be telling everyone I saw about it. 🙂
Was your food delicious? I’ve never tried Greek. I love your outfit. How hilarious,my sister was on the computer today and reading up on who Howard Carter was. I find archaeology very cool,like Indiana Jones(one of my favorite movies!)
We are constantly on Google and love to see the little doodles.
From me,
Hey,what stores did you go to,because over here,the only store I find to carry most of your games is Target.
How old are you?
Awesome! I can’t wait to play it! Egyptian culture has always been one of my favorites.
I can imagine how exiting it must be, looking at something created by you being on a shop shelf…! ^_^
So, how did you like your gyros? (which is pronounced y-ee-ros, with “y” as in “year” and “ee” as in “see”. I’m Greek, by the way ^_~ which is not entirely good as it’s hard to find the ND games in stores… u_u)
Hi, my name’s Zara and i just wanted to let you know that . . . I LOVE GREEK RESTAURANTS!!!!!!!! their awesome. i made a deal with my dayd that for each hunger games book i read, i can buy one nancy drew game (AND I AM A HUGE FAN, THE TRAILERS ARE GREAT BY THE WAY). I bought warnings at waverly academy (great game, really mysterious!!), and danger by design (i loved the fight at the end, that was a good twist). I love how you guys always include some type of cultural historical background within each nancy drew gae. u guys rock, culdnt live without these games!!!!! seee ya
~signed ur biggest fan ever (11 yrs old)
Well it sounds like you had a good time. I really in joy reading your blog it’s very entertaining.
Since May 8th was Howard Carter’s birthday, ND 27 should be released early on July 10th!!!
Let’s see if any sleuths can find out why…
Wow, I remember when I saw that on google, I thought it was such a funny coincidence since we beat the game prior. Aaahh, funny things like that make me smile as life.
@Silvertongue — Yes, the Greek food was awesome!
@Anonymous — I am old enough to behave like an adult, but young enough to squeal with excitement over every little Nancy Drew things. XD
@lily – I stand corrected! Yee-ros it is…although when I talk fast it will still sound like yer-ohs. >_< I’ll try to keep it authentic, thanks!
@krazy rabbit 23 — Hi! Thanks for your enthusiasm! We love hearing that you enjoy the games!
I notice that on google too. I was like that’s a coincidence. Maybe HeR was joining up for google. LOL.