And the answer to the weekend puzzle is…
February 23rd, 2009
Hey everyone, great sleuthing!
“I am 1st to the rainbow and second to Snow White’s sister. What am I?”
The answer is……
The “code” is that this is the three-letter abbreviation code being used for the upcoming ND Dossier #2!
1. The first color on the rainbow scale is Red.
2.In the original Brothers Grimm version of Snow White, Snow White has a sister named Rose Red.
As soon as I posted the riddle I saw that there were several sleuthers online who figured it out pretty quickly, but I decided to post the answer today to give others some more time.
Don’t worry – the next one is harder (stay tuned for that sometime later this week).
P.S. – oh yeah, “Redondo” is nowhere in the full title.
Posted in:
That was so fun! Thanks for posting this riddle : ) Can’t wait for the next one! =D