Intern Perks #2

HI provides a whole bunch of free snacks & drinks for hungry devs (short for developers)… free food? Haha, the best perk of course!


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6 responses to “Intern Perks #2”

  1. Hillary says:

    mmm i’ll take an ocean spray crangrape drink, sun chips, a cheese stick, and an oatmeal raisin granola bar! looks so tasty!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I half expected to see some Koko Kringle bars in there…

  3. Kaitie says:

    Root beer! And. . . Cheetos. . . and, baked Lays. . . oki I’ll stop now. 😀

  4. giftedgothic says:

    Holy cow! Literally… look at all that string cheese. haha

    In all honesty, I think this is the second best perk. I’d say the first is (hopefully) getting to meet some of the developers like Robert Riedl… oh my gawwwwd I’d die if I could meet him! 😀

  5. Gwen says:

    Oh yummm…. No Koko Kringle bars? lol. Looks delicous! You’re so lucky!

  6. Jenny says:

    Yumm! No Koko Kringles? I was expecting them!I would have a granola bar, and sunchips!

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