89th Anniversary!
April 26th, 2019
Would you believe Nancy Drew is 89 years old this Sunday? And she doesn’t seem a day over 18. 😉 We are having a small sale on our Dossier games in honor of this occasion. Get Lights! Camera! Curses! or Resorting to Danger! on sale for 50% off this weekend.
Also, update! It’s National Pretzel day, even if it isn’t the popular trending holiday. We still celebrate with our game that has a Bavarian pretzel in it – The Captive Curse! (Digital and physical while supplies last.) Get the game here for 50% off using the promo code until midnight tonight!
There is a new podcast featuring the voice of Dylan Carter! Check it out!
We have a birthday to celebrate!
-Little Jackalope
“update in days for midnight”?
I just noticed some bold words and letters. It spells “Update in days for midnight” Was that intentional? Also do you know why the third dossier game was cancelled?
Hello! The third dossier game was cancelled since the dossier series wasn’t as popular as we were anticipating. We chose to have our team focus more on the main mystery adventures instead. 🙂
I would *love* to see Ship of Shadows released someday. Everyone I know enjoyed the first two Dossier games very much. I would pay more for it too.
Love the bold 😉
I thought Midnight in Salem was being released in Spring 2019 itsSpeing & still no game. When?
Update in days for midnight?!?!?! Yay!!!! I can’t wait for this game!!
Hey Little Jackalope. I like that sneaky little message you gave us. Good one!
“Update in days for midnight”? Does this mean Midnight in Salem and if so, how many days until the update?? 🙂
I like this! 😉 Looking forward to the coming days!
I’m replaying Captive Curse right now actually. And eeeeee!!!!!! I love a good secret message.
I read the code: update in days for midnight! I can’t wait!
Ahhh so excited!!! #clues
Loooove hidden messages =))) Especially with this kind of information =)))
Caught your hidden message, LJ! Can’t wait for the update! Although, I don’t think many people read these blogs as opposed to the Facebook and Twitter pages–maybe the social media team could implement messages as well?
Thanks for the shout out!!! And I see what you did there! My sleuthing skills pay off ya know lol very clever!!! Also, I have the past birthday shout outs hanging on my walls! I still have a couple more to add though.
🙂 I am intrigued, and will be anticipating each new post this week!
Do the bolded letters mean, “update in days for midnight” or, “update in 24 days for midnight” (since CAP is game 24)?
Only the bold letters are important. 😉
great catch, wouldnt make sense for them to say “update in days for midnight” without saying the actual days. Has to be 24 which makes it May 20th 🙂
Nancy has certainly aged well! 😉 I love CAP; it’s one of my particularly favorite games because I love fairy tales and my ancestors came from Germany.
Ah – and then the secret message in the post. I will be watching closely for that!
Is this saying what I think it saying?!
Update in days for midnight? What’s up with the bolded letters? Please tell me Midnight in Salem is coming out soon!
Happy Birthday to Nancy, happy birthday to you! And in celebration of that yesterday I was playing Secret Of The Old Clock!
By the way, what day? I’m really excited!
Can it be????????!!!!!
I’m just so eager for this game to come out! I’ve been waiting forever! I cannot wait to see Arglefumph, Michael Gray, play the game. He would get so many views back <3!!
I am really looking forward to Midnight in Salem. Cant wait for the new update in a few days, but kinda curious to know if there will be more games to follow?
I am really looking forward to Midnight in Salem. Cant wait for the new update in a few days, but kinda curious to know if there will be more games to follow?
Omg “update in days for midnight”?! Yessss! I’m so excited i can only replay Last train to blue moon canyon so many times lol. Thrilled to see this!
Oh LJ! You clever girl you!
That is awesome that there is some news about this game! It’s just everyone of us was used to having 2 games a year, so when we haven’t seen a game for about 2-3 years, I guess you had more fans of Nancy Drew than you expected. But, all that to say this, glad it’s finally coming out. Long time a waiting but it’s finally here.