Jeff Pierce and Flowers

Here’s how the weekend puzzle looks when I crossed out the squares with pencil:

And here’s how it looks when colored all the way in:

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Weekend Puzzle answer

This is the Shadow Ranch tulip design from the cake.

Also, check out the latest podcast episode! Can you imagine seeing Wade from GTH with a Scottish accent? Well, he was voiced after all by the same guy!

-Little Jackalope

3 responses to “Jeff Pierce and Flowers”

  1. Shizuka says:

    Oh cool! That looks like a cute cross-stitch design for a purse or little baggie or even a shirt! I really like this new take on the weekend puzzle, how much time did it take you to picture the design? I’m just curious, if you don’t mind me asking 🙂

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Shizukafire! I didn’t track how long it took me to make this, as the template for making all future designs took the longer part of my time. Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. persephone_chan says:

    I guess Secret of Shadow ranch will be the next game you guys livestream?

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