National Croissant Day and Year Reviews

Today was #NantionalCroissantDay and of course I celebrated, since this is my favorite baked good of all time! I adore the classic buttery croissant most of all. I also got a Chai tea latte – which ended up a bit too sweet. Sadness.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Food Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Food

I was also reviewing our social media stats from the past year to see what was most popular. Interestingly on Twitter, one of the top five posts was this random graphic we made here:

Too funny. But in that list was also the picture of me at the Nancy Drew convention with Pamela Sue Martin and Parker Stevenson. I’m honored that was so popular…even if the fame was with the two stars. It was the highlight of my year, too! XD

-Little Jackalope

3 responses to “National Croissant Day and Year Reviews”

  1. Sakura says:

    Yum, your croissant looks sooo delicous, LJ.

  2. Dragonwriter99 says:

    I showed that picture to my daughter (she has no idea who either of the actors are) but she was excited to see you, LJ! You do have your own fan club! 🙂

  3. Yurithecat says:

    Can we give a shout-out to catsandbooks? We’d be lost on the message board without her!

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