Haunted Maine Montage (Weekend Puzzle #357)

I made a quick montage of my trip to the Nancy Drew “Haunted Maine” 2017 Convention. Enjoy!

We have a new fan video to share! This is a Ghost of Thornton Hall themed illustration by “The Doodling Girl” Johanna. Enjoy!


Here’s your weekend puzzle:

No Q about it, use GTH.

bs gp ho ts el kw ue xi

-Little Jackalope

9 responses to “Haunted Maine Montage (Weekend Puzzle #357)”

  1. nicole says:

    can people in canada enter the costume contest???

  2. The Red Wolf says:

    Hey Little Jackalope,
    How cool was it to meet Pamela Sue Martin and Parker Stevenson?
    What exactly was in the box at the end?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi The Red Wolf! I will certainly answer these questions this week in my blog posts. There was so much to say about the convention that I have to break up the topics. 😀

  3. Your awesome, herinteractive!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Response to puzzle: Ooh I wonder by whom? That’s cool 🙂

    Oh, and I have two questions:

    1. Do you guys still play funny jokes on each other in the office? I used to love hearing about Sonny Joon sticky notes and stuff…or the time with the bricks haha! If so, you should post that more often, I think it’s fun 🙂

    2. Could you maybe make the next weekend puzzle very hard or very fun? It was great when you would post nonograms or really complex puzzles. Just a suggestion!

    Love you guys, you’re the best!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Anonymous! I’m honored and surprised you remember the bricks! >_< We only sometimes pull pranks and tease each other. 😉 But every moment is worth giving attention to because it makes our office more fun. The last prank was Tess pulling one on Indy last summer. She printed out Joe Hardy's face dozens of times and taped them all over her desk, under her mouse, in her drawers, etc.

  5. Terez says:

    Hey Lj I dress up as a nancy drew dossier Character and I sent my entry in via email. I know there not making nay more of them but is my entry valid? Even though I dressed up as one of the dossiers characters? Thank you 🙂

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