Merry Christmas 2016!


And today’s the last Christmas box gift!

Also, we posted the complete video today on YouTube for all the days of online casinos the Christmas box. You can watch it here.

-Little Jackalope

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9 responses to “Merry Christmas 2016!”

  1. Prairie says:

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Guest says:

    What happened to all this? Was it thrown out and everything started over? If not, shouldn’t y’all be a lot closer to a release date than you claim/appear to be?

  3. Nancy says:

    I gave three of my sisters “Deadly Device”, “Alibi in Ashes”, “Ransom of the Seven Ships”, “Lights Camera Curses”, and “Resorting to Danger” for Christmas.
    I gave my six-year-old sister a Frozen Lego set, and now this morning she asks me when I’m buying her “Midnight in Salem.” Any news?

  4. Donna says:

    Am I wrong to think that everyone at Her needs to not concern themselves with anything other than getting MID distributed? I get a little heated when I see Her staff having jollies with holiday things or anything else other than getting MID distributed. Truly, I’m not a grinch. I just want them to finally get the job done.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Donna, I will pass your feedback along to the team. However, since the marketing department does not share info about the game while it is under production, we have time in between game launches to do fun things, like contests, videos, and other fun sharing activities.

  5. Katie says:

    MID?? do you have any idea about when the new game is going to come out. Can’t wait!!!

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