Christmas Countdown!
December 1st, 2015
Today is December, and we are starting the Christmas countdown. The first features The Secret of Shadow Ranch.
Which Nancy Drew games are on your Christmas wish list? Perhaps some Nancy Drew T-shirts?
In case you were hoping to order the physical games, be sure you order in time for Christmas! Here are the shipping dates you can order by to receive the game in time. (To learn more about these dates, click here.)
We have a birthday to celebrate!
-Little Jackalope
isn’t the xmas countdown 12/13 days before the day?
Actually, the countdown starts on December 26th each year. Only 364 days left to go til next Christmas!! (Haha!)
My Christmas List includes The Captive Curse! I’m dying to try that game, it looks so cool!
– StarWarsLover
hi can I please have a birthday on here for my best friend Michael His favorite game is. Secret at shadow ranch thank you