Creating the Pages

Today we were working all day on creating the pages on our site for Sea of Darkness. There are a lot of elements that need to be made before putting it all together. I like this part of the game release season, it feels like a puzzle! The banner goes there, the thumbnail goes there, the release date gets entered there, and the screenshots get entered into the page via a code number so that the carousel can generate an automatic thumbnail and be able to expand and shrink when you click on it.

Anyways, I bet that just sounds…. fascinating… to you. 😉 But stay tuned! There will be things we release this week. Speaking of which… I was surprised by how many of you solved the weekend puzzle! Congrats! It was another cryptogram, using the same images as last time, but the code was different.

You pretty much needed to guess and check your work until you figured out the correct code. Each image represented a letter. For example, the Koko Kringle bar is F. The complete phrase here is [For even in this darkness, something calls for me to find…] And then you take the underlined letters to reveal [video soon].


-Little Jackalope

One response to “Creating the Pages”

  1. Zara K. says:

    I just listened to the song! It was awesome. Keep up the great blogging, Little Jackalope.

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