Sonny Key Chains

Hey all! I was out sick yesterday, so there was no post for Monday.

We had recently ordered one of the prizes from our past contest, and I wanted to show you what this round key chain looks like in real life from our Merchandise store. One side features Sonny Joon, and the other features the alien sketch:


**Edited*** One more thing: Dahlia had fun making this vine:

As for the weekend puzzle, a few of you have successfully solved it! Congrats!

Look at your keyboard where the character buttons are located. They are each on a number key like @ = 2.  Find that number in the alphabet and you should get [The River Styx] which is part of a Greek myth. 😉

We have some belated birthdays from yesterday!

Birthday_Kristen Birthday_Daniel Birthday_Katie

-Little Jackalope

11 responses to “Sonny Key Chains”

  1. Emily in Wisconsin says:

    My birthday is September 5th so i was wondering if you could give me a shoutout.

  2. Queen Elsa says:

    Hey! Can you give my little sister a bday shoutout next week, on the 19th? Her name is Jessica (but call her Bucky) and she will be 12. she adores horses. Thanks!!!

  3. SpyGirl says:

    Sorry you were sick, LJ – glad you’re back! 🙂

    Keychains are so fun!

    Um, my phone can’t play Dahlia’s vine – can you give me a synopsis of it?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Odd. What kind of phone or browser are you using? You’d have to click to play the sound. Also, it’s viewable online.

  4. ILUVNANCY!!! says:

    Yay I get all these Greek references because of Percy Jackson! XD

  5. Rachel says:

    Love Dahlia’s vines XD

    I was wondering if I could get an 18th birthday shout-out for August 20?

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