Bonus Boxes

I’m excited! Look what arrived at our office today!


A few several boxes of The Shattered Medallion‘s BONUS EDITION! Whoo-hoo! They are looking fantastic and I can’t wait to add this to my personal Nancy Drew shelf at home. Have you pre-ordered your copy of the game? Here we share another moment of Sonny replying to the fan comments…


In the meantime, have you played Secret of the Old Clock? Today marks the 84th anniversary of when the first Nancy Drew book was published!


As for yesterday’s post, it got kind of lost after I published it…. Lol, I guess I forgot to tell the new web site to put it in the blog page. Oops. Anyways, it’s there now!

I’ll post the solution to the weekend puzzle tomorrow, just to give you another day in solving it.

-Little Jackalope

8 responses to “Bonus Boxes”

  1. Firestone2430 says:

    That is awesome. Cant wait for it to be out in stores. I dont know how to buy it online, so ill wait til May 20. But The Shattered Medallion. #30. Can you believe that. When I first played a Nancy Drew game it was #8- The Haunted Carousel. Anyway, keep up the great work. It gonna be another fun one.

  2. Alex says:

    When orders will be shipped?

  3. Abigail says:

    Woo hoo! I’m sure it was so exciting to receive those boxes. 🙂 Also, wow, I cannot believe that Nancy Drew has been around for 84 years and is still being enjoyed today. That is so neat! Thank you, LJ and the rest of HeR, for continuing on the legacy and memories. 🙂

  4. Baley says:

    I love nancy drew! I know this one’s gonna be a good one. Where do you pre order nd games?

  5. Ken says:

    I’ll look forward to playing this game!

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