I Spy Nancy Drew Books!

This last weekend I took a day trip and had to stop at my favoritist book store. This is why it is my favorite shop in the world:

Their Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys book section is like heaven! Of course,  I did purchase a few rare books for my own collection. See that blue t-shirt on the top shelf? Yep, I totally bought that, too. It features the cover art of my favorite Nancy Drew book: The Sign of the Twisted Candles.

If you are a collector, what Nancy Drew books are you missing from your collection?

By the way, Twitter Quote Contest is on right now!
~Little Jackalope~

8 responses to “I Spy Nancy Drew Books!”

  1. ND's #1 fan says:

    *gasps* Wha… that store is sooo cool! You are so lucky, LJ! That t-shirt is just plain awesomeness. 😀 Sign of the Twisted Candles was my 1st ND book I read, and it’s up there on my list of faves, too! My #1, 2, and 3 though are The Clue in the Crumbling Wall, The Crooked Banister, and The Secret in the Old Attic (which is kinda weird why I love it so much, because I am deathly afraid of spiders… and they’re everywhere in that book!) And, of course, the ND nerd that I am, I’m keeping track of my ND books. I’m trying to collect (and read!) all 56 originals, and.. *checks list* I’ve got 31 of them so far! Now I just need 25 more… And I just placed a request at my library for the first two books in the Nancy Drew Diaries series. So excited to read them! They look really interesting! 🙂

  2. Mystie J says:

    Missing too many … I haven’t bought a new ND book in probably about a decade! I started collecting when I was 9. I have 216 or so right now, but I need to start up again! Especially since there are new series out …

    • Johanna Minten says:

      My husband says he read a book Signature Sign Post when he was young. I am wondering if that is the actual title and who it was written by. Can you help me.

  3. Claire says:

    I’m missing too many books!! My local library used to have a huge amount of Nancy Drew books, including the old ones, but because of budget cuts they got rid of them all. 🙁

    There’s a lot of Nancy Drew books in eBook format which I’ll have a look at.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wow! That looks soooo amazing! What is the name of that book store?…It looks so amazing!(excuse me for saying that a second time)!

  5. Isis4ever says:

    Wow! Look at all of those ND books! I would be in heaven. It might be worth flying to Washington just to go there!

    And I love the shirt! 🙂 Sign of the Twisted Candles is one of my favorites too. I think my all time favorite is Clue of the Black Keys, although that was also the second one I read, so I might be a bit biased. I also like the Mystery of the Fire Dragon.

    For my last birthday, my mom got me this huge stack of Nancy Drew-themed fabrics. There were some that had Nancy’s silhouette, magnifying glasses, book covers, and various art from the books. It’s really cool. 🙂


  6. Allison says:

    Oh, my! I love that T-shirt! I’ve only seen the yellow hardback version of The Sign of the Twisted Candles, but that one is so much cooler!

  7. Caitlyn says:

    I just started building up my Nancy Drew collection this Christmas! My family is awesome and they found me fifteen first edition yellow backs! So I’m well on my way now! The vintage books are just the coolest, especially when they have dates or signatures on them. Then you get to wonder about the history behind them too! 😀

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