Laptop Contest! (And Weekend Puzzle #221)

You guys!! Check it out!

Awww yeah! This is one of the coolest prizes we have ever given away: a new Nancy Drew themed laptop that has every desktop Nancy Drew game pre-installed on it! (Except for the original Secrets Can Kill). And yes, this includes Stay Tuned for Danger and the two Dossier games as well. BONUS!!

Is there a limit to how many times you can enter? Not really. So what are you waiting for! Start sharing Nancy Drew games and come January 1st we will be randomly selecting a winner from everyone who has shared. Look for the little laptop on the left of our home page here to start entering!

No Q about it! Here’s your weekend puzzle:

do pf wg mh bd gb md aw ls ro nr rb ft 

We also have a birthday!

~Little Jackalope~

15 responses to “Laptop Contest! (And Weekend Puzzle #221)”

  1. ND's #1 fan says:

    This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is so cool! It is by far the awesomest prize ever! (well, besides being in SPY πŸ˜‰ And LJ, does the laptop have the neat ND design on it like in the picture? And is HeR going to randomly select the winner? I’m so excited! πŸ˜€

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cool! I’d really like to have that!
    Unfortunately, my smartphone thinks I’m taping on the Silent Spy page behind the laptop logo on the homepage…so I can’t tap the email icon…
    Maybe it will work later

  3. Jamie says:

    Hi LJ! πŸ™‚ Gotta qn for you! I was wondering if this contest was only applicable for Americans or is this an international contest? If it is an international contest, I would love to participate!

  4. Anonymous says:

    The contest is closed to Canadians though, right? Which sucks, because it looks like such an awesome prize, but congrats to whoever wins it!

  5. I’m extremely excited about the laptop! I have one other odd question though; does the games #22-29 come as Bonus Edition? And I solved the weekend puzzle! It’s “Creating a Character on Monday”. Since Thursday you posted something about a behind the pictures look at how Kate Drew was created, maybe we’ll get to see something on behind the scenes? πŸ˜‰

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hey lj. For the laptop contest, How many entries can you submit?

  7. WWNDD12 says:

    This is an awesome contest! One question that really doesn’t matter but i thought i’d ask anyways: What version of windows is it? I am assuming it is a windows laptop because of the way it looks. I know it is just a small question and i shouldn’t really be worried about that i was just wondering! Thanks for the awesome contest!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi LJ! First of all, I just want to say that I absolutely love this blog! I read it every day and I love reading what you guys are doing there at HeR! πŸ˜€ Now I was wondering if you could give me a birthday shout out on the 29th of this month. My name is Molly. πŸ™‚ I would really appreciate it, thanks! πŸ˜€

  9. Can you wish my friend Caroline a happy 15 birthday on Monday? Thank you (;

  10. Anonymous says:

    I would love it if you could give me (Grace) a shout out for my 13th birthday on Nov 27th. πŸ™‚

  11. Mia says:

    Hey LJ. I just joined the HeR community a few months ago, and then I started reading your blogs. I think they’re really neat. I especially love all of your puzzles. Thanks so much for doing this. Also, I really like your birthday shout outs. My birthday was a little over a week ago. Do you think you could do a late birthday shout out for me? I’d really appreciate. They’re so cool. Thanks.


  12. I’m very excited about this contest–even though I have every game and my own desktop computer, having a Nancy Drew themed laptop would be amazing! I must say, this is probably my favorite contest since I started keeping up to date with all things HeR.
    One question, though: why isn’t there a page about the contest on the Dare to Play blog? There have been pages for other events such as the pumpkin carving contest and spy gear drawing, but no page exists for this amazing contest. I’m just curious. ^.^

  13. Sean says:

    Hey, it’s my daughters birthday on December 4th and all she wants is a shoutout. Her name is Elena or Laynie and she’s turning 13!!

  14. @ND’s #1 fan — Yes, the back will be skinned with a Nancy Drew theme. And yes, we will be randomly selecting a winner.

    @Anonymous — Hmm…might have to try it on a computer…

    @Jamie — Unfortunately yes, the contest for the laptop is only available to the U.S. due to logistics and customs. πŸ™

    @Shainnen Somerville — I believe those later games will indeed be the BONUS EDITIONS. πŸ™‚

    @Anonymous — You can “enter” as many times as you want!

    @WWNDD12 — I believe it is a Windows 7…but I’ll have to double-check…

    @Molly — You got it!

    @One More Day! — Absolutely!

    @Grace — One shout-out, coming up!

    @Mia — You bet!

    @Norwegian Dancer — This contest is a bit different, as it is embedded in our home page. If we posted to the blog, you would have to back up again to the home page in order to enter. We didn’t want it to feel too backwards this time. πŸ™‚

    @Sean — I’m putting her name on my calendar to remind me! You got it! πŸ˜‰

  15. Anonymous says:

    If i live in Puerto Rico can I still enter?

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