The Silent Spy Box Art Revealed!
August 28th, 2013
Today’s the day! I’ve been hinting at this for a while, and words cannot express how excited I am to reveal The Silent Spy official box art!
~ Check out Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy page now! ~
What’dya think? It’s definitely my new favorite!
There is another bit of news today: Megan is moving on. You can read the official press release here. This doesn’t mean anything else, and the company will continue making games as often as we do, so no worries! I am sad to see her leave, but I’m glad it’s to pursue new adventures. 🙂
~Little Jackalope~
It’s my new favorite too! Also, I get the feeling this will be my new favorite game! I think it would be full of suspense! I cannot wait to play the game! So awesome!
You have really out done yourselves…it’s beautiful!
Oh Ho ho ho ho!! Awesome!
Ahh!! I loveloveLOVE it! 😀 It’s really awesome, and I’m really curious about the woman on the front- is it Nancy, her mom, or someone else?
Anyway, it looks FANTASTIC and I can’t wait to play it! 😀 Sadly for me, that will probably mean after Christmas, because I can’t afford to buy the games as they come out. But I have awesome family members who will buy them for me for Christmas! 😀
Sad to hear Megan is leaving, but I wish her all the best! Thanks for everything you’ve done over the years with HeR!
Wow. 1) That is a BEAUTIFUL cover. Is that Nancy, or … Kate? 2) Best of luck to Ms. Gaiser!
Aww… I am sad to see Megan Gaiser leave. She inspired me to take my first computer class this year, and I absolutely love it! I wish her the best of luck in her future!
Aww, that’s sad. But that does peak my interest. Any news on who the new developer/publisher be?
Absolutely my favorite cover! I LOVE it!
It’s sooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I saw it I was jumping up and down and my sisters were giving me weird looks, It’s so awesome! This is my Favorite Cover now!!!!! Megan is going?!? oh dear, good look Megan Gaiser!!!!!!
I love it!!!!!! awesome job!!!!! when are you going to post the official trailer?????
AHHHHHH! love it LJ LOVE IT :D!!!!!!!!!!
I just cannot get over how beautiful the cover art is! I just keep staring at it 🙂 You all did an amazing job and I can’t wait to play the game!
It is sad to see Megan go, we will miss her very much!
OH…. MY…. GOSH….. ITS…. AMAZING…. I LOVE IT!!! :O *jaw drops and tumbles down the steps* it’s really amazing o-o I really really REALLY like it 😀
Do you know when more wallpapers with the art will be released? I’d love to have a nice mobile background version of the cover art.
I love the cover art! However, I’m really nervous about the game. I hope it’s not too much different from the other games, and that Nancy’s personality is the same as always.
Goodbye and good luck, Megan! Thanks for everything that you’ve done for HeR Interactive! 🙂
we pretty much Screamed when me and my sis saw the new cover I Love it sooo much your are superb!!
(Teagpow) & (Miypow)
I was thrilled to see the cover, but the happiness was dashed to pieces to hear Megan is leaving Her Interactive! It just won’t be the same without her… we do wish her the best of course though. I’m sure many fans are wondering if this means the much dreaded end to ND games is near! o_O
Oh and there seems to be a debate going on, in our own household and on the messageboards as well as to whether or not you have revealed Nancy on the cover of SPY. Is that in fact Nancy? Or her mother? If you can’t tell us if it’s Kate or not I hope you can at least reassure us that it’s not Nancy. (Or that it is) I don’t want to take sides in that epic ‘to show or not to show’ battle LOL)
I like it! I think it’s better than the GTH one.
We will miss you, Megan! Best of luck!
OK this is definitely my new fave cover art! (seriously, when I saw it on the HeR site, I did scream! ya I’m soooooooooooooooooo excited 4 SPY! but when I heard that Megan’s leaving, I stopped screaming. Wasn’t she the one that thought up the ND games in the first place? Correct me if I’m wrong but i thought so.
So now i’m excited for SPY, but also very sad. 🙁 oh well, I’m happy that’s she’s going to follow her dreams. Just sad they weren’t @ HeR.
That is AWESOME!!!It’s SO cool! That must be Kate Drew! so she’s still alive? Ya’ll are taking a pretty high risk here, making Kate Drew still alive. It could either be really awesome (which it probably will be, since ya’ll are awesome at making games that would usually be boring awesomely cool and fun)or really bad (please don’t take this offensive an any way PLEASE!).
But, it IS pretty neat idea, so I’ll just have wait and play the game before I say I don’t like it…
Anyways, PHENOMENAL job with the cover art HeR! Abosulutely, positively, am SOOOOOOO EXCITED about playing!I’m really into spy stuff, so the fact that you guys are making a SPY GAME is really cool.
It’s wonderful, and I am so excited for this game!
Looks great! You guys did a great job! My birthday is on August 29th and I was wondering if you could give me a shoutout? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
I was just wondering… what is your job LJ???
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s so cool!!!!!!!!! {Fav cover art right now!!!}
Good luck Megan!!!!!
From the last hint I really hope they’re just using that character’s voice. The idea of it being the same character makes me worry that it’s gonna be one of those “this changes everything!!!!…. oh wait no, it changes nothing” kind of things. I really dislike those, they seem like a huge betrayal to the fans, a breach of the creator-fan unwritten contract if you may. I actually tend to avoid TV shows that make such dramatic claims now because I expect them to do that, since they usually do. I’m still annoyed at the whole “Nancy and Ned are on the rocks!!!.. oh never mind simple fix that doesn’t even last and everybody’s happy” it’s so unrealistic, and makes it feel like you left a big part of the story incomplete. I’m sure it’ll be fun anyways, but it might be pretty disappointing if it doesn’t have something refreshing and story advancing.
I love this coverart! I’d even go so far as to say it’s my favorite besides Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon. I’m really curious about this game, too. I mean, Nancy’s mom was really a spy??? I’m sure HeR will do it really well, but, I confess, it strikes me as a little strange. Still, I said that about Nancy being in jail in Alibi in Ashes, and that one turned out to be one of my favorite games. So I’ll just keep looking forward to this game and let it speak for itself once I play it. October seems soooo far away!
Tell Meagan she’s awesome and we’ll miss her at HeR.
She was hilarious in that Christmas video y’all did awhile back.From what I’ve read about her,she’s an amazing women.
I’l be be praying for you Meagan and I wish you the best in the future!