Nancy Lives For…..Forever!

Let me jump right into the weekend puzzle solution. To horribly trip you up in solving it was to leave out a missing letter (sorry!). While there are several word combinations that can come from these letters…


The correct anagram bust is this: [Alien Poster]. Which is coming soon!

I was thinking earlier today about how awesome it is that Nancy Drew gets “second chances” when she makes a mistake. Really, if you accidentally made an error, or are simply having fun watching Nancy get eaten by a plant, or maybe blowing up the glass bottles from mixing chemicals, you as the player have an infinite number of “second chances”.

This is why this graphic below conveys the true beauty of Nancy’s 9 lives infinite lives. She only lives again, and again, and forever! No matter how many times she “dies”.

Also, dear Essie has broken her collarbone, and we hope and pray she gets better! Hang in there, Essie! You are strong and brave!

~Little Jackalope~

10 responses to “Nancy Lives For…..Forever!”

  1. Hey LJ i have a question: How does heR interactive create the names of the games you guys make? you do not have to tell me the names you choose or something i just want a very simple answer to it. I have always thought that cathy and nik come up with it. thanks!

  2. Oh lj i forgot to say, can you give my friend William a birthday shout its on July 27, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hey Little Jackalope! My sister’s birthday is Monday, the 29th. She’s not a huge ND fan like I am, but she has played quite a few games with me. I think she would really appreciate a birthday wish on here though!! Could you say Happy Birthday, Anna, and could you possibly have it have something to do with WAC since that was her favorite game, of the ones she played??? If not, it’s fine, whatever you put will look great! Thanks sooo much!

  4. Breanna(; says:

    That is terrible, I hope everything goes okay with her and that she gets better soon! You know what I wish LJ, that I could have real life second chances to fix all of my mistakes, that would be awesome:)

  5. ND's #1 fan says:

    LOL!!!! i <3 the second chances, especially the one in VEN where you get stung by the bees, and it’s like- “The Good News- The bees stopped stinging you when you dropped the smoker! The Bad News- It took you a looooooong time to drop the smoker. Hello, River Heights!” LOL I love that one! (^_^) Oh and @A Concerned Fan- Essie will be in my prayers as well! Hope she gets better soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. ND's #1 fan says:

    Oh sorry I forgot to ask, what’s YOLO? ok I know, dumb question, but I have never heard of it before! I’ve only been into the ND games about a year so I don’t know too many of the “Nancy-isms” and stuff.
    (^_^) thanks in advance!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think I can play an entire Nancy Drew game without getting second chances the first time play or the second…

    Anyway, I hope Essie gets well soon!

    I would really like to have Sonny Joon in a neat future! Can you say he will be in SPY?

    Oh and is there a pattern for the games? Game #5 was the first appearance of Nancy’s good friend, game #10 was the first game to be based of a classic book, game #15 was the first game we fully played as Frank and Joe. We only played as Frank in TRN but very briefly…Game #20 was the first appearances of Bess and George and game $25 was first to set in Nancy’s hometown in River Heights and the first time we get to see Ned Nickerson!

    Can you say if there’s anything special going on in game #30? =D

    ~ MS Sleuth

  8. Anonymous says:

    Dear Little Jackalope,

    My family just got back from vacation. It was so fun! And we saw a statue of a giant Jackalope! People could climb on it and sit on it like a horse. Me and my sister did that. If I get the chance we will get the pictures developed and send them to you. It was so cool!

    -Lee (or Liana)

  9. William D says:

    Oh no! She broke her collar bone?! That’s awful D: I had come up with alien, among many others, but not poster. XD lol. I hate to say it… but I found it funny watching Nancy being eaten by the plant ๐Ÿ™ Forgive me ๐Ÿ™

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hey, LJ
    The shout out for Essie was great ๐Ÿ™‚ I sent it to her via text message and she was very pleased. Thank you for expressing your concern. ๐Ÿ™‚ This morning she woke up and felt a lot less pain and there was no bump on top of her collarbone, so there is a possibility that it snapped itself back into place, but an x-ray is needed to determine if it has. ๐Ÿ˜€ She continues to be optimistic… She takes comfort in the fact that it is her left side, so she can still play ping pong and draw :)Thank you very much, and I do believe that the prayers helped ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll let you guys know as soon as I find anything else out ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again!!!!
    A Still Concerned, But Much Happier, Fan

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