Where’s Sonny Contest!
June 7th, 2013
Hooray for Fridays!
Today we started a brand new contest called Where’s Sonny? Check it out here, and download your flat Sonny and take a photo of yourself with him, then post it to our Facebook wall, tagging Nancy Drew PC Games in the comment. Where will you go this summer with flat Sonny? I’m looking forward to seeing all your awesome pictures!
Here is Weekend Puzzle #199, enjoy!
Also, we have a couple of birthdays to celebrate!
~Little Jackalope~
Did YOU draw the ‘flat Sonny’ in the PDF file used for the contest Little Jackalope?
Cool idea for a contest by the way, it’s really going to be fun for all of us seeing the variety of photos that are submitted. ๐
I was just replaying the Shadow Ranch iPad app and having a lot of fun with it ๐
I was wondering, are you guys still planning on making Castle Finster?
Sadly I won’t be able to participate in this D: D,:
I submitted My picture!! I’m not going on vacation this year sadly.
*fingers crossed*
good luck to all of you!!!
OH COOL!!!! LJ, do I have to post it to facebook? (i don’t have an account) Can I just email you guys the picture? Thanks! ๐
I love contests on Herinteractive! I cannot wait to print out my Sonny.(I have to get to the library to print him in color. Our printer is only black ink) I already have a few places in mind I’d like to take Sonny to. ๐
From me,
First day of work at Chick-fil-a and I got to wait on a group from England who were on a Cricket team!:D CUR moment!!
Sounds like a fun contest! Hmmm…. I gotta think on this one.
That’s what I got. I know for a fact this is wrong… ๐
The answer to the weekend puzzle is… “New Stories”. I TOTALLY want to enter the contest!! When I heard about “Flat Sonny” I just about died laughing! But I don’t have an FB. ๐ Is there another way I can send my pictures in?
Oh yah, also, No hints?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? NOOOO I live on hints! I feed on hints! Without them… oh no, it’s happening! I’m forgetting the solution to every puzzle I ever solved….. What is Nancy Drew again? Is it fun? (lol I really wish you would have hints though, because, well, Im an idiot!)
Terrific contest!
Cool prizes!
I downloaded and printed Sonny today so I’ll be ready to say “cheese”.
@ Hannah — This sketch of Sonny was taken from the notebook of his in Ransom of the Seven Ships.
@Anonymous — At this time we do not have any plans to make Castle Finster. CUrrently we are focusing on the next adventure game: The Silent Spy.
@ND’s #1 fan — If you do not have a Facebook account, the contest page says you can email it to contest@herinteractive.com
@ Future HeR Animator — So cool!
@~JOY77 — If you do not have a Facebook account, the contest page says you can email it to contest@herinteractive.com
Hello. I don’t mean to be a pain, but my birthday’s coming up on the 18th and I was wondering if you could post a happy birthday message on the blog?
Have a nice day. <3
Hey LJ, I know this is kind of late, but I ordered Secrets Can Kill Remastered and started to install it and on the instructions booklet, it had S.O.S. along with the other two dossier games on the back, are you guys at HER starting to make that? I know you said that your were going to work on this game instead but I was just wondering, thanks!
P.S. Sorry about the long posts! ๐
I’m so excited!!!(:
Hello Little Jackalope! The Sonny June contest looks fun!How many pictures can you enter?
Thank you, ND fan
@LJ… YES!!!!! Thanks! I can’t wait to see where we will go this summer!
lol ๐
PS- Here’s something really funny-