Weekend Puzzle #202
Hooray for Friday! The team at Her Interactive has been working hard on a small new…thing…for next month, so stay tuned to learn more!
Sonny Joon has apparently been quite busy with his new…group…so to speak, in Tomb of the Lost Queen. This time, his focus is on aliens! He has quite the fascination for space, as you can see, since he wrote a book on the subject!
This image is also available in the merchandise store for you to design a product with. This is the iPad case with his book art on it. This image can be found in the Tomb of the Lost Queen section once you go to choose your product.
Aaaaaaaand…here’s your weekend puzzle! What do you suppose it means? I’ll tell you! It’s a project I’m working on for mid-July. There you go. You could probably guess it.
And we have a birthday! Hooray!
~Little Jackalope
Clock and trivet? As in Secret of the Old Clock?
Clock and Trivet
Hey Little Jackalope,
My Family And I Are Thinking About Going To HeR Interactive. I was Wondering If They Have Tour’s Inside HeR. But I Can’t Find Anything On The Web Site And I Was Really Hoping To Get a Sneak Peek Of HeR. So Is There Tour’s For HeR?
I’m doing fashion research for a book I am writing. The main character likes to dress dress in old fashioned clothing, like Nancy Drew looks on the book covers. Could you give a few suggestions on where to find out more on how Nancy Drew dressed? I would be so thankful for your help Little Jackalope.
@Teagpow — Contact us at customerservice@herinteractive.com to schedule a visit/tour. 🙂
@Lee — You can search online for all the book cover art, or you can check out the books “The Nancy Drew Scrapbook” by Karen Plunkett-Powell or “Clues for Real Life — The Classic Wit and Wisdom of Nancy Drew” by Simon and Schuster, compiled by Jennifer Fisher. These both have a little bit of art and touches on the subject of her clothing. But online is best. 🙂 Hope that gets you started alright!