GTH is Coming!
May 7th, 2013
Our Nancy Drew “Scary Games” marathon has ended, and now we anxiously await tomorrow’s release of Ghost of Thornton Hall! That’s right! If you have (or are going to) pre-ordered the digital copy of GTH, tomorrow you will get to download! (Stay tuned for the exact launch time).
~The boxes of games have arrived!~
To get ready for your gaming experience, watch the trailer one more time!
Also, some other fans have shown off their anticipation by sketching! Check these out!
Puzzle! For those who have played The Captive Curse or Alibi in Ashes, you would recognize this puzzle: Drop Quote! (Spoiler alert!) You play around with the different letters above the puzzle until you are able to form a complete sentence as shown here:
Also, happy birthday Adriana!
~Little Jackalope~
Yay!! The boxes shipped. Can’t wait LJ. Thanks for keeping us updated♥
That’s a lot of games, and a lot of happy fans! 🙂
My copy of GTH is coming tomorrow!!!:D I’ve been jumping up and down all day today because I’m so excited! This has been the longest day ever…
I love all this fan art! GTH has really inspired art:D
Happy birthday Adriana!
BTW, I found out about ND29…. I can’t say much, but this was my face when I found out… :O I’m already counting down the days until we can see this one release!;)
CAN’T WAIT FOR GTH!!!! 😀 I <3 the fan art!!! :O Amazing!!! Happy Birthday Adriana!! 🙂
I’m so excited!!! Oh, and LJ, could you give a birthday shoutout for me? I’m turning 16 on May 14th. 🙂 Thanks!
WOW!!!!! SO excited I can hardly WAIT!!!! Woah! that drawing is AWESOME! how old was the person who drew it? Whoever drew it is really good! clever puzzle, LJ! good job!
P.S. sorry I haven’t commented on the blog in a while, I’ve been really busy, but I still seem to find time to read it, so I’m not complaining!
You forgot to title the post!
I CAN’T wait to get GTH!! I just got the Creature of Kapu Cave, and the discs are spelled wrong. They say Disk 1 or Disk 2. Weird right?
I can’t believe that stupid thing on loose leaf got posted and my Quigly Kim impression never did