Long Time to Wait
March 12th, 2013
We posted this Nancy Drew Moment to our social media sites, and I find this rather funny. From all the teasing we have been doing of Ghost of Thornton Hall, this holds so very true.
Perhaps it would be really nice of us to share more information, huh? Well, I can say we are getting nearer to a big news release this week, so stay tuned! In only a matter of days will you know a tiny bit more information about our scariest game yet (in my opinion).
As for the puzzle, it looks like many of you have figured it out! However, I’ll hold off on confirming the answer until tomorrow, so that a few others may have a chance at solving it themselves with this extra clue: [Game pages text]. Start exploring here.
~Little Jackalope~
Well I’m certanly dying of a Nnacy Drew moment then. I thought one of your scarrier games was Castle Malloy. The only part I didn’t care for in that game,was the pub and making drinks. I hope you don’t mind my saying this,as I like my younger siblings to be able to play also. Other than that,we like being alittle scared. 🙂
From me,
You guys are such teases!;)I’m dying here!
:O News! News! Your website is gonna be pulled up everyday this week. Not like it isn’t already… >.<
I can’t wait any longer for GTH!!! Well I guess I can wait a little longer, but not that much. Do you get to play the games early?
Happy Birthday Hamish
Hi1 I’m so excited about GTH!! It IS so true about dying of curiosity and impatience for the new game. BTW my 14th birthday is this Thursday on the fourteenth!
This gate reminds me of the one from Castle Malloy.
@Silvertongue — Stay alive Silvertongue! You can make it! 😀 As for the mixing drinks in HAU, we purposely designed them as sodas (old fashioned ales and Ginger Beer are old-time soda drinks), if we had made them actual “Adult Drinks” our ESRB rating would have gone up, perhaps to a rated T for Teen. 🙂
@Future HeR Animator – XD Yes, we are such teases! But we are finally finishing up on one big part of the game… should be done tonight, then we can get our hands on it and prepare it’s red carpet appearance.
@NDfan — We do get to play the games early here in the office! In fact, we play them as they are made, so there are a lot of “bugs” until we finish making it.
@Katie — I’ll remember that Katie!
@Anonymous — It kind of does, doesn’t it? 🙂
I really am going to die. I can’t wait any longer for GTH!!! I’m defenitally going to pre order it.