Merry Christmas, 2012!!

So apparently today was scheduled to be the end of life as we know it, but as long as I’m still breathing, I shall write to you all!

The team here wishes you all happy holidays!

We will be out of the office all week next week to celebrate Christmas, including Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 for the New Year. But…our customer service or tech support (and I) will be here Dec. 26th, 27th and 28th If you really need some assistance.

It’s the season of spending time with friends and loved ones, and Nancy would likely be preparing some gifts for her dad, Carson, and favorite motherly housekeeper, Hannah, along with spending quality time with her best friends. That’s what I will be doing as well! (And in my spare time, playing though a few Nancy Drew games to find some fun quotes to share in the future. (~.^)

Check this out! Our cover artist designer sent us this magnificent gift basket or treats! (This is an example of when people bring us cookies…there are at least 2-3 different cookies in here…yum). And since it came late in the day, most people here have left the office….MORE COOKIES FOR ME!! Mwahaha…I mean….it’s the season for giving…making I will share some with *looks around* oh hey! Scott and Jayme and Josh are around…I’ll clue them in.

No weekend puzzle this time, but I do have one challenge for you: re-play your favorite Nancy Drew game, or play a new one over your holiday break. ๐Ÿ˜‰

See you later! And Merry Christmas!!
~Little Jackalope~

Posted in: HI employees, Holiday

11 responses to “Merry Christmas, 2012!!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    haha yeah 12/21/12! End of the World! LOL!

  2. Amy M. says:

    Merry Christmas Little Jackalope!! I’m in the middle of playing my favorite game, The Deadly Device! Maybe I’ll get RAN, SCK Remastered, FIN or DDI for Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

    From your lovely fan who whishes she lives in WA to work with HeR Interactive,
    Amy M from Maryland ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Merry Christmas to everyone at Her Interactive!! I know I’ll be enjoying the holidays with family:)

    I love how you also think of Nancy as a real person, I thought I was the only one!

    Sounds like something my dad would say, “More cookies for me!!”

    Way ahead of you Jackalope, I started playing TMB last night:) I think I’ll play a little on it tonight!

    BTW, I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry at Megan’s comment about Ned in the Christmas video! ;D Also, I just have to say I love your accent! It’s so clear and crisp! Well, I guess that’s because y’all don’t live in TN ๐Ÿ™‚ haha

  4. Anonymous says:

    Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
    I wish that in 2013 there will be not two but three Nancy Drew games!

  5. Afshispeaks says:

    I love Nancy Drew games specially on christmas.Thanks for sharing .


  6. Anonymous says:

    Food basket looks yummy. Hey,If I had an idea for a game in the future,would you guys take it,or would ia have to work there??
    Merry Christmas!

    From me,

  7. Hope your Christmas was as awesome as mine was! Beside my tshirt with the Apple logo on it and my iPod touch 5th gen, my Koko Kringle pillowcase is my favorite gift!:D I also got Sims 3 which my little sister created Nancy and Ned:) I taught her well!

  8. AppDude27 says:

    When I saw the new Nancy Drew end of the year email, I though it said, “Nancy Drew: End of the World Sale!” Hahahaha.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hey, LJ! those goodies look soooo good! send me some, would ya? oh, and don’t work yourself to hard, it’s the holidays, after all! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Anonymous says:

    In answer to your poll here are the things i would love to see in 2013
    1.I want more Ned (i love you Ned and may you never have to cry over nancy millions of deaths)!I am currently playing DED and im loving his adorable/funny text.Im hopingthat he is going to be in GOTH as at least a phone friend (but more on him in my fan mail)
    2.I was not sure if i should choose Romance or not in the poll because if i want romance i want it to be with Ned not the Hardys and i dont want to much.Now,i know yo cant please everyone but,in my opinion,if you love Nancy Drew,you love everything she was created to be a part of and that includes Ned.
    3.I DONT want Teen rated games,not yet.
    4.PLEASE MAKE NANCY VISIT THE SOUTH (besides Luisiana because i dont appreciate voodoo/hoodoo and i would love one in Alabama or somewhere down in the deep south)
    5.I would love more mysteries but only if you can continue your current status of animation and character development

    I think i should stop here.
    p.s.please tell me Neds not leaving! ;( ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

  11. Anonymous says:

    Btw….what is your actual name????

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