Waiting on The Deadly Device

As a fan, October may feel like a looong time away, but here at Her Interactive I’m sure it will come fast to us! We are still working on The Deadly Device, and this morning I noticed a few new additions to the game. Just a few missing art pieces here and there, and the Bonus Edition content getting put in. I have not seen the outtakes, but I’ve heard what they have planned! Some are real actual goofs that we have caught while making the game, while others are fun extras the design team had planned ahead for the artists to create.

Right now I’m working on preparing some screenshots and descriptions that will go up on the product page later. Above is a picture of my scratch notes of things that I need work on . Sorry, some of it should remain a mystery, so I blurred a few areas. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Stay tuned for extra sneak peeks to come, and solve the upcoming weekend puzzle to gain more insight to more content for The Deadly Device this Friday. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Also, the team is designing the trailer and putting together a script, including Nancy’s narration. We aren’t sure when it will be ready yet. :/ Still in the early process!

~Little Jackalope~

Posted in: The Deadly Device

8 responses to “Waiting on The Deadly Device”

  1. Teagpow says:

    Can not wait thanks for the encouraging info it’s going to be long year but we have this blog to look forward to:)

  2. Ah! What an exciting post today!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ Make sure the trailer is epic!! ๐Ÿ˜€
    EEK! super super super super super super super super S U P E R excited, can’t wait to pre order!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I feel like October will go fast,so I’m not worried about waiting. Have you guys started working on the game after DED?

    From me,

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m not if this is supposed to be a puzzle. If it is then some of the blurry words might spell
    – Character Bios
    – DED Merch Items
    – Help Lani w/ trailer
    – Character Snapshots
    – Monday copy for DED
    Am I right Little Jackalope?
    –Andrea =)

  5. Mary Jane (MJ) says:

    Hey, sorry to bother you Lil’ J, but don’t forget my Bday shout out on Oct. 2! I can’t wait to turn 13!

  6. @Andrea =) — Yes, yes, no, no, close. You have good eyes!

    @Mary Jane — I haven’t forgotten! It’s on my calendar ๐Ÿ˜‰

    @Silvertongue — Yes, we have already started working on ND#28! Whoo-hoo!

  7. Andrea- woah!! You did better than I did!! I got DED merch items, charactor bios and perhaps
    Help James with trailer
    Marketing copy of DED?
    Maybe? I don’t know, good eyes Andrea!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. samantha says:

    Help James? W/ Trailer?

    I Have Now Idea ๐Ÿ™

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