A Day for Secrets

Of course, I can’t really share them with you. Today was a great day. Besides working on…well…work, I went and did some snooping and picture-taking. It’s way too early to be talking about the next game, so it’s hard to contain my excitement over what I found in my snooping.

Our designer had me try out a prototype of the end-game puzzle using some familiar toys, I spied a navigation map laid out on our lead tester’s desk, nabbing a few cookies from production on my way out, and then I got to listen in on one of the character’s dialogue sequences (we call them CALs, but that is an explanation for another time) that one of our animators was lip-syncing, the sun was out so the team went outside for a hackysack break, and lastly, I admired the work of someone’s doodles on a white board. I wonder who did those? (>_>)

Yep, It was a great day at Her Interactive.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s contest on Facebook! πŸ˜‰
~Little Jackalope~

6 responses to “A Day for Secrets”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Sonny Joon!!! Is this some foreshadowing?

  2. Hmmm… those drawings sure look like your work. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰
    It sounds like a very good day at HI. But isn’t everyday?:)

  3. I was just thinking, maybe like once a moth (even more often if you wanted too πŸ™‚ ) or once every few months, you make an office video. Walk around and give us a little tour. πŸ™‚ and make some behind the scenes videos making the newest game and show us later when the game comes out. I think that would be really cool.

    OH! contest?!? πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Photography? *hopeful look*

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cute little alien. You guys sound like you have so much fun. Although I can’t wait to play the new game,TMB,one of the best parts of playing a new game is seeing the preview for yet another new game. I’m excited!

    From me,

  5. MJ says:

    So Jackalope, what is your job at HeR besides updating Nancy Drew geeks about stuff going on at HeR’s HQ’s? XD

  6. @Anonymous — Sonny Joon’s evidence always seems to foreshadow his coming…perhaps someday we will include him, but we haven’t any solid plans yet. πŸ™‚

    @Future HeR Animator — Yes, everyday is indeed a great day to work here. πŸ˜‰

    @MJ — My job description (described by me) is to be a Nancy Drew game nerd, blog about it, and share with everyone, create stuff, test stuff, prepare things, eat Koko Kringles (or cookies whenever those aren’t available), doodle like crazy, write semi-important words, and, well…the list goes on. πŸ™‚

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